If you get one of those nasty letters, and you did your own return, you are basically on your own with the audit, unless you contact a CPA/ or EA to help you , and your looking at roughly around $200.00 and up per hour. If you let a professional prepare your return, he can help you explain and prove why you took the deductions. Naturally there well be a charge, it is not included with any tax professional in there fee for the preparation of the return. So it is up to you to decide whether it is worth the $80/$90 to purchase the OTC software and get audited, or spend the preparation fee for added protection.
Franklin Katz, RTRP, ATP, PA, PB
Frank's Tax & Business Service
315 E. King St.
Kings Mountain, NC28086
Local # 704-739-4039 Toll Free# 877-857-1040
E-Mail: [email protected])
Web: Kings Mountain, NC Accounting Firm | Home Page | Frank's Tax & Business Services
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