tale of woe happy ending

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
long story made short

sept 07 losing coolent .. took to dealer (2005 gm 6500) told bad head in shop 3 weeks.

feb 08 not running right took to dealer told bad head in shop 2 weeks

made trip from huntsville to lansing then to detroit .. leaving to get a load friday night..
bang from engine then thump thump... took to dealer thats right bad head.
in shop 4 weeks.
got truck back tursday afternoon. picked up load in livonia going to chicago with return.
got to chicago, pulled off expressway. at first stop light noticed engine running rough.
on leaving light noticed i "was fogging for skitters" with the exhaust. did delivery and made arraingments to transfer return load. ended up in south bend. and if you guessed bad head again your right... only now truck is out of warrenty.

it took a couple weks for them to make up their mind, but gm finally decided to replace the engine.. under warrenty.


Veteran Expediter
We hate those tales of woe at our house!:eek: Glad everything turned out good for you. Kudos to GM for finally stepping up to the plate. Good Luck. DD

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
turned out ok is misleading... missing income from sept, feb, mar, and part of april has had real impact on bank balance. for some reason the bills kept showing up....


Veteran Expediter
turned out ok is misleading... missing income from sept, feb, mar, and part of april has had real impact on bank balance. for some reason the bills kept showing up....

Misleading indeed and that's a lot of downtime. We feel for ya, been there, done that, tee shirts galore!


Veteran Expediter
Out of curiosity DD, do your t-shirts also mention GM?

No no no no......mine have a big I for international and a couple small, squirrelly letters for the sleeper manufacturer who shall go unnamed. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
If I could make my smilies whistle, I surely would!!