Hoosier in Ft. Wayne will do the job with a Watson-Chalin of your choice for about $6500. Either a HD variety or the lightweight version. I was going to get a 20K rated Granning from G-Tek in Detroit, but backed out of it as I didn't like the financing.
If you must do this, do it as a pusher. A tag will throw all the weight to the rear. You probably want the mid-point between the two axles to be in the center of your truck, or closer to the front if you have a big sleeper.
I wouldn't do it at all, unless as someone else said, you can't plate 12 or 13K now. Most who have these work out of regional areas where they have a shipper they run out of constantly that has heavy 10 skid loads. Do the math, the pay-back on these things take a long time, just like Gen-sets (unless you are in the South a lot.)