Well don't worry folks, Peter was having a bad day here and had to take an "extended" vacation several days after this post. He was not with his family on Independence Day for crying out loud! Triumphantly and Kinetically, he WILL be back. I am privy to a little information and assure you that Peter, CIMIS #20120004437, will be back from his trip and in his office in only a few days. Trust Peter to follow through with what he says that he will do. Triumphant, Kinetic...T and K.
Faq: I have noticed no deposit on my Comdata, when will I receive a settlement?
PH: Pleese bare with US as settulmants are runneen alittle back this weak.
Faq2: I looked on the Sylectus load board and noticed that my truck was moving around within a 50 mile proximity of where I was really at throughout the day. What was this crap all about?
PH: pleeze under stand that, we cananot chainge your lowcation frum wear you reality are at and I started and pyoneerd Expediting feeld from Blackballed by weather people.
Faq3: I understand that you are currently identified as a CIMIS #20120004437. What in the heavens is a CIMIS?
PH: I am vary speshal in this hear re-guard. If you're so vary interstated I ask you Serch on the Googl websyte for CIMIS. beside I have alots of peaple jealous! Good day.
The Angels : My Boyfriend's Back - YouTube
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