Sweet and Heat.


Veteran Expediter
So I made dinner last night pork roast in the crock pot and my woman picked up some strawberries and some salad fixings and some jalapeno peppers at the farm market. When the strawberrys were being made into strawberry shortcake I toyed with the idea of adding peppers to the strawberries.
So I tried it and it with mine just in case it failed but it worked with a scoop of icecream. Of corse my Woman and kids had no intrest in trying my exelent topping so they had plain jane.
I do recomend using a small ammount of fresh peppers as the chemistry of the strawberrys can be over ridden by the jalapeno. I think some corse salt would work out even better.
Another idea for apple pie is adding cayine pepper in the same ammount as cinnimin. My brother in law is a good baker and he grabbed the wrong container cayine pepper instead of cinnimin, added it into the mix and not wanting to waste it he threw in the cinnimin and finnished baking the pie. Good stuff he named it cajin apple pie.
This mixup actualy worked out as both spices are compatable.

Yes I drive my family nuts when I combine what they say shouldnt be mixed together.
What odd ball creations do you like both meals and deserts?

Bob Wolf.