And aoc had her melt down......
She, wait. What?
Oh, Friday. Nevermind.
The one that bothers me most is Biden, A. K. A. The President of the United States, who as both a Senator and a President took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, saying SCOTUS did away with the Constitutional right to abortion. That's not senile, that's just bald faced lying.
The other one that bothers me a little bit, but I'm not surprised, are the arguments made by the dissenting justices, all of whom claim to have gone to law schools and graduated with real, actual law degrees. None of their arguments are legal arguments, they're all emotional arguments. The mind boggles.
On a completely different topic, as you watch the antics and actions of those on the Left who are protesting, see if you can spot the difference between them, and little children.