Sunday is ULSD Day


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Sunday is the day when all trucks 'officially' have to be using the Ultra Low Sulfer Diesel. I know it's been availible in many places for some time now as people transition to it.

How has it affected your engine? Power levels, fuel economy, etc.

Would like to hear from van owners also, or any personal vehicles running it.

I was thinking about buying an older pickup with the powerstroke, but I'm wondering what the effect will be on it with the new fuel.


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where are you going to find the time to fix it?"

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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have noticed Higher Coolant Temperature when idling,other than that,everything seems the same.Havent been able to get a good fix on mileage yet.Others say they have lost .5 to 1MPG.


Expert Expediter
We have an '02 Sprinter 140 high top passenger with 89k miles as a personal vehicle and I've noticed a 10% increase in fuel economy during the last 3400 miles. This driving was done starting from the end of August to now. Mileage has gone from my long time average (all miles to 85.5k/all fuel) of 22.3 mpg to 24.3 mpg (all Sept - Oct miles/all fuel) now. I'm guessing it's due to ULSD, since I know of no other change.

This increase has held up even through moving our son's family from Chattanooga to Nashville via I-24 - 4 trips loaded to the gills with household goods.

Also seems the van has more power - pulled that long and curvy grade Nashville-bound (loaded leg) in cruise at the 55 mph speed limit every time w/o downshifting out of 5th.


Veteran Expediter
Higher temps when going uphills, lower fuel economey thats still not to be determined yet.

I just wonder if that injector I lost was due to this fuel? Timming sure seems right.


Expert Expediter
Other than the fuel transfer pump that I lost due to ULSD,

(the ulsd causes a nitrile gasket between the pump and the body to shrink and cause a leak)

I've had no mileage loss, and temps are staying cool, but I made a custom exhaust that probably helps that out. I haven't heard many complaints about the mileage yet, but I'm not the first 8.3 owner to have to replace that pump once the new fuel hit.