Stresstests and the border


Seasoned Expediter
Just a note to suggest that if you've had a stress test (you know, one of those where they inject you with radio nuclides), wait several days before taking a run over the border. My husband had one on Wednesday morning at home, and coming from a run to Canada through customs on Friday night, we were detained an hour because their sensors picked up radiation emitting from his body (right through the truck!) That stuff stays in your body for quite some time. Funny, it wasn't picked up on the way into Canada.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
COOL!!! I might just take a run to Canada, if I ever have one of those tests. Anything to mess with them a little. :+

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Leo, it'd be even cooler if you get some phosphorescent nail polish :p
Shortstuff, thanks for the heads up!


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Same happened to me about three years ago. Medical thalium has a half life of 72 hours, but after 8 days from the test, I set off that machine in Detroit. Chalk it up to just another unique experience during life on the road.