Straight Truck Miles


Expert Expediter
To All Straight Truck Drivers
Need to know the average loaded miles a staight truck drives on a average week. I'm thinking about moving up from a van to a straight truck. Thanks a lot! Elmer


Veteran Expediter
When running (full weeks out) you need to set your own goal, solo I would guess just over 2,500 would be in the higher % of a good week.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

current week

3,100 total miles including deadhead
$4,600 gross revenue and i will be home before noon friday

I kinda like the slow period it gives me 3 day weekends


Expert Expediter
I would think long and hard about moving up to a straight truck from a cargo van. You might get more miles in a straight truck per week but when you factor in the increased cost of fuel and maintenance, are you really making more net dollars? I have been thinking for some time now if I made a mistake by getting a D unit. My first year in a FL 70, four years old, cost me $22,000 in maintenance. I understand that this may not be normal, but you never know what is going to break down next when you buy something used. Pros and cons both ways. If it were not for the comfort of having a nice sleeper and I was younger, my D unit would be history.



Expert Expediter
Well my VERY 1st week as a team w/ Panther II running a D unit we did close to 4300 paid miles and another 800 unpaid. Somewhere around 7k truck income. Hopefully I can keep this up