That is, may not exceed 40 foot in some States. Ironically, States like North Carolina, Iowa, and many others with good roads and plenty
of room limit you to 40 foot, others with restricting roads and postage stamp sized shipping lots like Vermont limit you to 46 foot,
New Hampshire 45 foot etc. etc. Montana 55 foot, Wyoming 60 Foot and
Nevada a whopping 70 Foot. Better stated Mr. Gunslinger would be, some of the Carriers limit their Contractor trucks to 40 foot. I have a 30 footer on mine and, you really don't need any more room. I
have 18 skid spots on the floor providing the skids are 48X40. If I
am doing a floor load, or blanket wrap load i'll gaurantee you it is a long way to the front. I suggest if you want one bigger, get one that hinges in the middle.:+