Straight Party Voting


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Some forum members have lambasted straight party voters as lemmings, or worse, especially Democrats. The following is from my precinct, giving percentages of straight ticket voters:

Democrats: 40%
Republicans: 59%
Libertarian: 1%


Veteran Expediter
Are the majority of your precinct's current office holders Democrats? There does seem to be a wave of anti-incumbent sentiment sweeping the country.


Veteran Expediter
Maybe that's an indication of the disgust people have for Democrats these days. Check back to the 2008 election, and I'm sure you'll find a different story.

Personally, I would never vote straight party, as there are several liberal Republicans. Likewise, there are bluedog Dems running against those Republicans whom I would vote for instead. I also vote Libertarian for several races. But there are lemmings out there, on both sides, who make a mockery of the system. They should do away with the one-party lever.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In Charlotte, yesterday, a Democrat was elected mayor, after having a Republican mayor for
24 years. The Democrat majority, on city council, increased to a 8-3 majority. As I have said previously, "all politics are local", so I don't try to expand our voting, in Charlotte, beyond our borders.

Also, I agree that straight party voting should be abandoned. If you are to lazy to educate yourself about the candidates, and make an independent decision, keep your a#s home!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I NEVER vote straight ticket and would love to see it stopped. I don't know about the Constitution and how it would apply to stopping it. That is over my head.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In my town they don't even show on the ballot whether they are are Dem. Republican or other,but you can vote straight party if you want.