Stop complaining about...........


Not a Member
Everyday we all find something to complain about. A dispatcher, a bad load offer, low cpm, sitting to long, etc.
As we wind down this holiday weekend we should remember to give thanks to those that have lost their lives in service to this country and to those that are fighting in defense of this country.
And lets not get into some political debate over weather or not the war effort is worth this or that - but for all of us to show support of those fighting for those of us who are living in this great country which allows us to complain and moan.
And keep in mind, while our senators and congressmen have recently voted themselves another pay hike, along with their monthly retirement perk of $52,000 per year our service men and woman get a token of only $12,000 per year after 20-years of service.
So - I guess the next time I want to complain, I will keep those brave hearts in mind and bite the bullet myself and vote those SOB's the heck out of office.

Fort Wayne
Stop The Mexican Truckers!


Veteran Expediter
I am going to throw a few things in here.

The first thing that bothers me and something I have tried to help is the lack of interest in voting. Sorry if this does sound like a complaint but without the vote and participation, we will never change a thing. The Mexican trucking thing to the lack of concern over our personal security all can be truly solved with involvement but I don’t see it anywhere.

The second thing is this is one day out of the year; we have the entire year we should think of the people who defend or gave all for our country. I find that holidays serve some purpose but when people can’t tell the difference between Memorial Day and Valentines Day, it is upsetting to me and others. Te other day I had a really hard discussion with someone who I have known for years over her Peace sign around her neck. She had no clue what it meant, what sacrifice people have made and at the end of the discussion I had her going on one of the sites I will post and thank a soldier. It was not easy to explain to her what others sacrifice so she could wear that peace sign, but I did. She still will always be a liberal but one who seems to think now for herself.

The third thing is I would love to see some go and see what it is like in other countries, what being poor is about or what true lack of opportunity is like to live with. I mean when the worst times I had in my life, I remember what others have gone through and this forces me to think positive. I do complain and often but only to better what is the best country on earth, not to tear it down as some have.

Here are some of the links;
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Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Sometimes people confuse something negative for what may be a reality.
It doesn't mean it is bad, they just don't like the message.

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
Great Post FortWayne and a Great Big thank-you to all soldiers past and present. May GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!

Send a clear Message vote all incumbents OUT. Get rid of the Good the Bad and the Ugly.


Veteran Expediter

I know this post started as a don't complain thing but Im really disgusted by the commercialism of the holiday.Its all about selling cars and cooking out.I remember as a kid it being a solemn holiday with a parade of guys in uniform ending with a 21 gun salute and the playing of Taps.

I liked it better as a kid.


Veteran Expediter

I have to agree with you 100%. Most don't have a clue what it is all about as much as many who don't have a clue what July 4th is all about.


Veteran Expediter
I liked Christmas better as a kid too. Wish I could've experienced it around the turn of the century... 1900.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
>I liked Christmas better as a kid too. Wish I could've
>experienced it around the turn of the century... 1900.

Curious, why?


Veteran Expediter
Ya know the paintings of sleigh rides, hundreds skating on the town's river, carolling. No commercials = little commercialism. Strangers and friends alike just enjoying life together.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Yep, the commercialism of EVERYTHING these days is a very bad sign, (pun intended) of the times.
If our elected representatives were honest about their sponsors, they'd make NASCAR cars look modest...:(


Veteran Expediter
I see what you are driving at and in comparison to what we have today, anything before the first world war would be a goot time. But to tell you the way I see it back oh around 1860 something, the traditions started to change, by the mid 1880's the issue of commercialism and Christmas was a topic for a lot of religious leaders because of the overtly merchant attitude towards the holiday. I won't get into the attitudes of the time and who was blamed for it all.

To me the Currie and Ives true holiday spirt was prior to the war between the states say somewhere around 1850. All I read about that time period fits into the non-commericalization feelings of the holiday and the gift exchange which actually took place on Boxing Day, a tradition that we got rid of for some reason.