stimulus package


Expert Expediter
turtle you must have put in the wrong address in your gps routing. Panther told you to go give a pep talk with new (cats)recruits in orientation. They did not mean go to a cathouse.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Pretty much, yeah.




Seasoned Expediter
The government will NEVER spend its way into prosperity. It is impossible since the only way our leaders know how to live is by spending and borrowing beyond their means. In the longer run, we are about done as a financial superpower simply because there is no way to keep borrowing and not have this debt come back to crush the financial system. Our economy and financial system have served us well for centuries but every system has its limits and boundaries. Any system of any kind has limits. Any system can be pushed beyond the breakdown point. But it will not survive much past that point.

The stimulus package will be a monstrous waste or time and money because it totally goes against fiscal responsibility and stretches even farther past the financial limits of our economy by adding enormous new debts to the system. You cannot force business to become prosperous with government handouts. I used to laugh at people who thought that real estate never loses value. Anything that gets pushed outside its limits will come crashing back to earth. Look at the price of oil and the stock market. Look at housing and the banks. Oil will likely blast off to somewhere over $200 a barrel and at some point come crashing back down again. Look at every commodity in the past 100 years and you will see low prices followed by exorbitant prices followed by a major crash. Watch what happens to gold as it escalates to higher and higher prices and then it will come crashing back down to earth. Even our great financial system must pay its respects to gravity. Obama is no astronaut immune to gravity and he too will come crashing back down to earth.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You mean he is NOT a "Helium Head" that just keeps on floating higher? Although, considering his past he might just keep getting higher and higher. Layoutshooter


Staff member
Retired Expediter
For $65, they might let you play second base in the lobby until your pants don't fit good, then you'd have to sit down and think about baseball until they fit again, and then you'd have to leave.