stimulus package


Expert Expediter
Do any of you feel stimulated yet by Obama's big package?* Or do you think it will take a bigger package before you feel stimulated?* Or is the only stimulus we really need in these depressing times is for Obama to show he cares.* or do you say show me the money than the stimulation will begin?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The more government spends the slower the recovery, the higher the inflation and un-employment. You cannot spend without production, FIRST, to back it up.Printing more monopoly money has never worked, anywhere or anytime in history. Why anyone thinks it will work now is beyound me. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
well i never in the past would support big gov but i have to respond to that by saying if you throw alot of money around that will cause production to increase.* It however may not beworth the future cost.* As far as printing more money that is not a good thing.* We americans have done this to ourselves.In the future make and extra effort when buying anything that it is made in the u.s.* Toyotas and other things are made in the u.s.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
IF it spurs any production it will be short lived and only in limited industries albiet important ones like steel production for bridges etc. Of course if our highway tax dollars had been spent only on highways all along they would not be in the shape they are in and steel production would have remained a bit more constant than it is now. Welfare programs never work. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
a little off topic but trying to be optimistic slant on this. This is the perfect time to do transportation inprovements roads and bridges with freight being way down. less traffic to deal with when fixing a road


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is. Certain public spending is needed and roads and bridges are some of those things. It will take a long time for that spending to take hold. Projects have to be identified, engineered, supplies ordered etc. The long term effects will be positive. There will be limited short term effects. 100% of all Federal Fuel Tax dollars should be applied to the roads and bridges on the Interstates. If fact, I would be in favor of the Federal government taking over the Interstate system and letting the State handle all other roads in thier jurisdition. I don't like those taxes being used to fund public transportation, hiking and bike trails, airports or anything else that is not an interstate structure. The Interstate Defense Highway system is a intregal part of our National defense stratigy and should be maintained as such. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
unfortunately i know you are right, even after the MN bridge collapse and a national study before that happened saying a vast majority of our bridges need repaired and or replaced. They still if givin billions could not seriously get started for 2 years on the work.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is just the way it is transporter. The problem we have is we think short term as a country and expect instant results. That is why the roads don't get fixed. We want to see fast fixes. The problems we have are long term. If we just take our time, develope a real plan with long term goals and stick to it we might be able to smooth out the business cycle a bit and ease the slow times. Layoutshooter

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
"Show he cares"... He cannot put on the long face like Clinton could, does he? Actually, the stimulus is woefully inadequate for the damage being done by the banks, and the stimulus plus the homeowner mortage plan are both jokes. The real story is the further bailout of the biggest banks that are holding the economy in ransom...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The only one holding the ecomony hostage is the government. They are way out of line now. Some way some how we have to reign them back in. They are stealing our birthright. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Barry said today that his plan would out about $65 dollars more in the avg persons paycheck a month.........I am goin to dinner with my wife tonight, just like I do very time i am in town, that $65 dollars won't pay for dinner tonight, let allone 4 times a month...

This mortage plan won't help 95% of the people he told he would help, 1st, they can be more the 3 payments behind!! Ahhh, the bank ain't foreclosing on people that are 3 payments behind.....and it will also not help most of the people that are already in the foreclosure process...

All of this is just a massive spending trip for the dems to biy future votes, nothing else. Barry when speaking about FRD and the great depression has said more then once that FDR screwed up because he didn't spend ENOUGH the way, there is another spending package coming, you will hear about it monday.....not tarp 2, not the auto bailouts, not the mortage handouts, but a totally new package, ive heard to the tune of $500 billion...Repubs are making noise about it now.....

Hold on to your wallet, he has to start raising taxes on the middle to upper class to cover his butt...they can't continue to just print worthless money and the chicoms and ME money men are sooner then later going to quit buying or worthless tresury notes....

I wonder if my carrier will start paying me in gold coins...use market value to figure what they owe me, then convert that into US Gold eagles and pay me in ten dollar gold pieces...a $2000 dollar settlement would be close to 3, 10 dollar eagles..(weill gold fell below a $1000 after hitting it the other day)taxes on 30 bucks for each settlement check....over a yrs time , ill be able to qualify for a few of Barrys handouts...and before you go off, its legal, the irs has lost in court a few time over the issue!!! Something to think about!! :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Do any of you feel stimulated yet by Obama's big package?* Or do you think it will take a bigger package before you feel stimulated?* Or is the only stimulus we really need in these depressing times is for Obama to show he cares.* or do you say show me the money then the stimulation will begin?
That sounds like the pep talk given at the Bunny Ranch just before each shift.


Expert Expediter
I feel somewhat uncomfortable hearing about the size of Obama's package and how much stimulus it offers.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL, my spelling of Japanenze might be totally wrong (not that my english spelling is all that good) but "Cheesii" comes to mind. layoutshooter