Still more issues


Expert Expediter
As I mentioned in another post,I pick up at companies that ship new release CD's, videos, and video games. If you've been to one of these places, then I do'nt have to tell you that you press a buzzer until the door opens--You enter to find yourself in either a 4 x 4 ft. chain link fence or a 4 x 4 ft. room with either a slot in the door or fence through which paper work is exchanged. These places load your truck with sometimes dozens of skids,some with only one tier of cases and some with many tiers of cases. Looking in the back of a loaded trailer,It's impossible to count what has been loaded on your trailer. The skids are almost always heavily shrink-wrapped too!NOW all of these shippers have big signs posted in the paper signing area that state something like YOU cannot sign your bills like SLC(shipper load and count) SRS(shrink wrapped skids) and the list goes on!!!!!!
What gives these shippers the LEGAL RIGHT to tell me that I have to sign for something that I do'nt even know that I'm picking up???

Attempting to create a pleasant work place for drivers

Pappy 34 years T/T:) :)


Veteran Expediter
I agree and I even call my dispatch tell them this is shirnk wrapped. I will sign for it and am putting SLC on the bill anyway. This way its their problem especially since they put a seal on the back (this is our legal way out).

It does not do any good probably but I tell the shipper helping me count that I am not getting paid to count. And you also notice that these boxes are turned in a different direction on every row.

If it goes from one dock to the other with a seal than their is no possible way WE should be held responsible. One other tip and you just gave it to me take a picture of the guard putting the seal on the back of the door since they want us to be responsible. I would not be embarrassed to do this in the future.

The other aggrivating factor in this is mess is you have to wait around and wait for them to count and they will not let you back their while they do this so how in the heck can we be responsible for this I complained louldy in Dallas over this and even said (what if your wrong or one your staff steals some) This brought intresting looks and they went over the one hour time limit while counting and I let them know when they brought me the paperwork. I did not get to charge them but let them know this was not satisfactory since they were so friendly after my objective if I am responsible for count than I should be standing their. I would not have accepted a miscount.

So ask this to all reading this lets say it was short one box than what? I would say put it all back on the truck re-seal it and I will take it back, I have the pictures to prove it and the signiture that the seal was broken by the Consiginee so how can I be responsible for thier miscount? Make sure you keep the copies until they sign off and be stern but not rude you gotta protect your rear also.