I have an '06 Long and Tall, was put in service in April '07. Its currently at 107K. So far the only problems have been an O2 sensor at 65K and then a belt and belt tensioner at 92K. I still have the well known tranny rumble strip noise, but it only happens during city driving. Besides that no major problems......yet. I do all the regular maintenance myself as much as possible.
I believe its all in how you drive the van, how much you load it with and also I strongly believe in preventive maintenance.
Only 85k on my '07 and so far only routine stuff and a new set of tires.
I believe it is - but understand - it is the Espar Coolant Heater - the one that comes on the vehicle from the factory (aka the "Heater Booster") - not the Espar Air Heater that I had installed to heat the inside.That coolant loss...was that an espar problem??
Already? Yours come with them Continetals??
Eddie....your one of the few with injector failure so soon.
Were you using any kind of additive at the time?
Did they tell you how they failed or probable cause?
Were all 5 bad or did they just change them as a set?