OK, that ridiculous rut rock-n-roll is gone, and high crosswinds and passing big trucks no longer jerk the steering wheel out of my hands, covered it, covered it, covered it.
Last night I finally had the opportunity to put the anti-sway bar and Koni shocks to the real test: that squirrelly Grand Prix-esque mess on I-40 between Asheville and Knoxville.
Instead of the normal heart-pounding adventure full of trepidation and worry,
it was a heart-pounding adventure full of tranquility and reassurance.
This baby corners like it's on rails. http://www.feebleminds-gifs.com/smiley-faces7.gif
Of course, in light traffic you take the Formula 1 Grand Prix out-in-out racing line using both lanes as one and cutting down the angles into and out of the turns, rather than hugging a single lane through both left and right turns. But even in cases where a lane change to cut down the angle and widen the turn was impossible, the Sprinter stayed flat and even. It handled much more like a sedan or a minivan than the behemoth it actually is. It turned a stretch of road I hate into something not altogether unpleasurable.
The difference between the Americans and the British:
The Americans think a hundred years is a long time.
The British think a hundred miles is a long drive.
Last night I finally had the opportunity to put the anti-sway bar and Koni shocks to the real test: that squirrelly Grand Prix-esque mess on I-40 between Asheville and Knoxville.
Instead of the normal heart-pounding adventure full of trepidation and worry,
it was a heart-pounding adventure full of tranquility and reassurance.
This baby corners like it's on rails. http://www.feebleminds-gifs.com/smiley-faces7.gif
Of course, in light traffic you take the Formula 1 Grand Prix out-in-out racing line using both lanes as one and cutting down the angles into and out of the turns, rather than hugging a single lane through both left and right turns. But even in cases where a lane change to cut down the angle and widen the turn was impossible, the Sprinter stayed flat and even. It handled much more like a sedan or a minivan than the behemoth it actually is. It turned a stretch of road I hate into something not altogether unpleasurable.
The difference between the Americans and the British:
The Americans think a hundred years is a long time.
The British think a hundred miles is a long drive.