I'm just a newbie here.and I'm just trying to make an educated descion before I throw a career away that once done I cannot go back. I'm not looking to start some kind of internet arguement. I drove tractor trailer for 10 years as far as oil changes from what I've read the mileage between is way different between sprinter/cv than an 18 wheeler so posting price differance has no bearing. And while some people don't keep track or don't care what they pay for maintance is their business. The bottom line is if you can't make dollars it don't make (cents) sense. I'm 50+years old I have a 401k,and savings that I'm not willing to part with to put a transmission in a vehicle unless I know I can recoupe it. Maybe this is just a pipe dream and I don't belong here. Thank you all for your input.
a maintenance number is just too vague, it moves around from year to year one year it could be high and the next real low.....the Total Cost Per Mile is a far more accurate number to use..
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