>The driver paying for fuel is not something that is unique
>to Expediting, as Ark seems to suggest. It's been going on
>at least since I've been in trucking(30 years), and probably
>longer. True, you won't see it with the big players, but
>small fleet owners have been doing it a long time.
in 1990,I had a man and wife team work for me,they wanted home every week end and didnt care where they dead headed from.
(at the time most owners were buying fuel and paying drivers wages)
because of this extended dead head i went to a 50 50 plan,they stopped long dead heads,wander why.
fuel was cheap then,truck got over 6mpg,and they made enough money, cause fuel was only about 10% of the revenue
as time went on and fuel got higher i went to 60% for drivers,20% each driver,20%for truck,and then when fsc came along,it was 20 20 20+fsc
you know with drivers buying fuel,it amazes me how much better they take care of your truck
my last team that worked for me,wanted to know if they could make 80k year,they made 100 and i sold them the truck