Massive Sleeper? Do you mean one of those 12-16ft boxes on the back or just a 96 or 105 inch box?
If you mean the large one, I just have one question? And before I ask this, it is not meant to be an insult. How can one expect to pay for the equipment, and still make a living? I know one has to enter the comfort into it, but it seems overkill. The reason I say overkill, selling one except for giving it away I do not see a resale market. Way to small of a Nitch product.
A wise man once told me, with anything you ever buy unless you never plan on selling it, (like your wife) just kidding you had better sit back and ask yourself if the general public or just one person would see what you see in it. Looks and Effency but most important would be DEMAND. Demand sells anything, looks adds value, effency makes the $.