

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I tried a Speeedco oil change for the first time last week based on some recommendations from others on the forum, and have to say I'm very satisfied. I used to change my own oil, but found the 40 qt. capacity of my new truck a bit too hard to deal with. I got 40 qt oil change, 4 filters (2 oil, 2 fuel), full chassis lube, tranny-rear diff. level check, and washer fluid topoff for $109.00. It would be difficult for me to do it myself for that amount, nonetheless I didn't have to get dirty. Plus they had me verify the torque on the drain plugs and the final oil level, and didn't get anything dirty. (I HATE cleaning up leftover grime from careless mechanics!) They use name brand Rotella T and Baldwin filters. Free coffee too. I used the one at I71 ex. 209 in Lodi, OH. They get a perfect 10 in my book.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I use Speedco about 80% of the time and what you say is very accurate. They blitz the truck and usually get you out in about 30-45 minutes. They also do oil analaysis on the spot, which I get about 3 times a year. The only one I have had bad luck with is the Speedco in Hammond LA on I 12. My gut feeling told me to avoid that place and I didn!t,as a result the next day had to pay a $150.00 road service call because of a leaking fuel filter. However Speedco!s headquarters did reimburse me the $150. How many Freightliner dealers would do that.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It is so funny how you mentioned that. I do not trust ANYBODY! You can best bet I checked over everything at the rest area near Mansfield, OH for leaks.. you can't be too careful. If stuff is going to leak, it will usually do so shortly after being replaced. If a diesel fuel system is sucking air, erratic operation is the first clue to something being loose. That was great of Speedco to help you out with your greif, admitting the fault was theirs.

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
I'm glad you liked it Weave. Mike felt the same way about them. He hated changing the oil on the truck. And the savings wasn't worth the bother. Its much quicker too and he doesn't have to spend a day of his hometime under a truck.

The only thing I have aganst him is the way they come in every 5 minutes trying to con you into the "add ons; air filters, oil anaylsis..etc) It reminds me of taking your car into Goofy lube. If I wanted the extra stuff I would have asked for it.

But I would highly reccomend it to anyone (And have many times) I think all the positive comments we made they should help Lawrence by buying a large banner ad! }>


Expert Expediter
RE: Speedco/Freightliner

The answer to "what Freightliner would do that" is "probably none".
Orlando Freightliner just made me drive 200 hundred miles to take them a check for work done, because they refuse to take a credit card from anyone that is not standing there with their name and signature on the card. Bear in mind I have purchased 5 trucks from them and they all know me well. So if you have the misfortune to have to have work done there and you have a driver in the truck, don't plan on making payment arrangements over the phone. Cash, ComCk, or the person whose name is on the credit card, in person. Not too friendly there. Not too good at getting it fixed right the first time either.
By the way, my Speedco experience has been mostly good also.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
What happened to me is that the fuel filter was tight,but the drain plug on the bottom of the filter was never tightened. The truck ran OK,I stopped for the night and the fuel slowly leaked out ,When I went to start it I had a huge slug of air in the system. I was able to remove the filter,walk to a Mobil Station,buy $1.00 worth of fuel and I filled the filter. Unfortunately at that time I had old,weak batteries and ran them down while trying to start the truck. But as I mentioned Speedco did reimburse me for the $150 road service call.Perhaps that is the business to be in.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have been using Speedco for some time and have had good service. Only once in Youngstown, OH they forgot to put my oil cap on and I didn't realize it till I got to Indy, but they were very good about it and bought me a new one to replace it. The only other thing is when you get it done in Tennessee there is an additional state tax of about $9.00, which is no fault of Speedco, so I get it done before I get there. I still have Freightliner do the PM about every 3rd time just to get a good check-up.

Happy Trails,

No Neck:+


Veteran Expediter
While home recently, hubby also went to Speedco, he was very happy with them too and then happy that you were happy, (happy, happy, everybody's happy, life is GOOD !), anyway, it was also Lodi, OH as it is 5 miles from home.
Now about those Freightliner service people, our just-purchased truck has had too many bugs to mention here but I will say that the ac really stunk and their attitude smelled even worse. We had everything from the salesman sticking his head in the door and telling us nothing was wrong to their "service department" fixing it and us finding out down the road that it was worse!! That was Youngstown, needless to say we won't return. On the flip-side of that, we're in Council Bluff, IA this weekend and the freightliner dealer there got us right in and low and behold we have ac that will run you out of the truck!
Enough said, I need to get this mini-novel off to the editors for printing. STAY SAFE


Where ever you go, THERE YOU ARE!!!!
