speed trap


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
the city of portsmouth va city counels, is telling the chief of police no more
3 to 5 miles over the speed limit 15 mph is not 18 mph
35 is not 38
45 is not 49 etc
we need the money
so watch your speed there


Moderator Emeritus
well the cruise on a van works at 35. the speed o meter is not correct on most vehicles so 35 is really 32-33. you need to also use the gps ground speed reading to determine the real forward velocity of your vehicle.


Veteran Expediter
While Jack is correct that most speedos are not indicating actual speed there are a few at lower speeds that read low rather than high. I have one vehicle that reads high (consistent around the gauge), 2 that read dead on the mark (45=45). Agreed it is wise to check against a gps, radar or some measuring device (old = stopwatch). The van that reads high for speed is right on with the odo so miles are right.


Seasoned Expediter
well the cruise on a van works at 35. the speed o meter is not correct on most vehicles so 35 is really 32-33. you need to also use the gps ground speed reading to determine the real forward velocity of your vehicle.

I used to be a median stalker, so I will tell you this! GPS is USUALLY more accurate than a vehicle speedometer, but is not accepted in a court of law. Case law dictates that a GPS is not accurate enough to say it is correct. Use your head, use your speedometer, GPS, fixed object & stopwatch count, and one of the best things is to use one of those mobile "your speed is" trailers. Don't go by your GPS alone however. Courts will accept "my speedometer said" they will not accept "my GPS said". Food for thought.

My truck is 2.5 miles under what the speedometer shows, I've checked by multiple means.