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Veteran Expediter
Not to seem totally ignorant,but...

WHAT is "Senate Bill s2910"?? How does it affect trucking?? I think I had a "Mature Moment" and missed this. I just joined EO, and I've been home for 8 months, so I might have missed it. Somebody please explain??

Senate bill S2910 is a bill that forces 100% of a fuel surcharge to be passed on to the owner of the truck. It also forces a disclosure of the charges in detail.

It sounds all good and well on the surface but I see where it leaves the door open for rate adjustments to compensate for the FSC increase if there is one and a possible additional fees to make up for the loss by the broker on the FSC.

I think there are better ways to handle this, like get government out of trucking and a few other things.