Something going Thumpthumpthump

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Pulled into truck stop this morning for fuel and coffee. When I backed out, the Sprinter wouldn't move at first. Had to really push it to get it to move. hum?, Well, when I turned onto the road and was getting up to speed- thumpthumpthump, shake, rattle and thumps!

Went back to the J and inspected tires, wheels, driveshaft and all looked fine. Wheel bearings maybe? Was headed for the jack when I noticed the right front tire was about an inch off the ground....hummm?

Backed up about a foot or so, went back to the front right tire and it was on the ground. Then, the funny part.

There was a large- 18"x8"x2" hunk of tar and rocks stuck on the tire....hummm? I guess that was why it was hard to move, I was glued in place! Removed about a pound and half of crap, rocks, and tar. All the rest was cleaned off in about 80 miles.

Pulled by where I was parked, and - yep, a big'o' hole was in the ground. What a way to patch a hole, roofing tar is what it looked like.

I have never had this happen before. Anyone else?


Veteran Expediter
Ive had stuff stuck to steer tire in the past,,not sure where i got or why,,,but yeah it gives a interesting ride....

Wonder if ya just stopped with hot tires in the right spot & peeled it up..

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Ive had stuff stuck to steer tire in the past,,not sure where i got or why,,,but yeah it gives a interesting ride....

Wonder if ya just stopped with hot tires in the right spot & peeled it up..

They didn't blow/clean out the hole when they added this junk. Made it easier to pull it up.


Expert Expediter
It happened to me before but it wasn't tar, it was hot tire rubber that I picked up when I was behind an 10 wheeler that was shedding one of its tires. I had no time to avoid what looked like a piece of tire, ran over it and the Sprinter started shaking like an unbalanced tire. Oh, crap, messed up my tire, I thought. But upon inspection it was only rubber stuck to my tire, but nowhere near as much as in your case.