Some Wal-mart employees planning a strike/walkout


Veteran Expediter
I couldn't agree more, the problem with that is where the Wal Marts are located. They started out taking over small towns and wiping out the small business person. After accomplishing that where else can they go work?? Yes it works maybe in a big city but W/Marts are mostly in smaller communities.
walmart does not put anyone out of business.. the person that is not capable or willing to make changes is going out of business anyhow, walmart just made it happen a little sooner.. just like in this business being able to adapt is key to success..


Veteran Expediter
maybe the Walmart workers that are falling into the mafioso union tactics can take their sorry butts to mexico and work for pesos like the ex hostess knit-wits..


Veteran Expediter
Missie: WM is the 'poster child' because they were the first in many ways and the most ruthless in others to drive costs down & profits up. They pioneered a lot of innovations [Dead Peasant's insurance policies on employees, limiting nearly all to part time status, giving workers a title in lieu of money, outsourcing jobs rather than permit a union to represent their workers] that so many other companies now do that we forget where the tactics originated - but WM was [and is still] the master at maximizing profits and funneling them upwards.
As I mentioned, the publicity caught up with them long ago, and they reformed somewhat [for public consumption] because the negative perception was affecting their bottom line - but I don't believe the changes were more than cosmetic. The bottom line is still 'profit rules, everything else drools.'

I'm 110% in favor of capitalism and profits, but there's such a thing as too much of a good thing, and IMO, WM had a big part in the 'profit at any price' philosophy that is so prevalent today.

Give me a break!! as someone who spent 27 years in middle,upper Retail and corporate management. someone who has had to develope 20 million dollar budgets, This beast you talk about is called RETAIL.. That is the nature of the business, unless you work your way up to management, the RETAIL job is an entry level or secondary income.. bottom line.. if this was not the case you would have to pay $5 for a loaf of bread and $8 for a box of tissues to dry the tears from your eyes..


Veteran Expediter
Agreed retail jobs in general like food industry is entry level work. Do people think the little mom and pop tv shop provided insurance for employees. My daughter is a freshman in college and works part time retail in a few years if she stays focused she will move on to better things. That is what those jobs are for.

It cracks me up when a company invests millions in a store, provides jobs to hundreds of people but yet they are the bad guy. But i guess if someone buys into the you didn't build that theory they might think that way.

Retail is low profit high competition and giving customers what they want is the name of the game or your soon out of it.

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I heard somewhere that groceries are a 1% to 2% business. That doesn't leave much room for payrolls or anything else.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At Cabela's it took a 40% gross margin to keep the store running. At Gander it took a 35% gross margin. Those are overall numbers. SO, consider this, guns make 10% if you are lucky so there was 30% that had to be made up somewhere. Many items were marked up 120%, or more, just to make ends meet. Pricing is NOT easy.


Veteran Expediter
Agreed retail jobs in general like food industry is entry level work. Do people think the little mom and pop tv shop provided insurance for employees. My daughter is a freshman in college and works part time retail in a few years if she stays focused she will move on to better things. That is what those jobs are for.

It cracks me up when a company invests millions in a store, provides jobs to hundreds of people but yet they are the bad guy. But i guess if someone buys into the you didn't build that theory they might think that way.

It cracks me up when people talk about companies "providing jobs for people" as if it were entirely an altruistic thing, like charity, with no benefit to themselves, right? O wait - it is exactly like that, because they don't give to charity without getting something in return, either.
When the people at the top are billionaires and the people at the bottom need food stamps, there is a serious imbalance somewhere, don't you think?
I agree with your contention that low paid retail work is the first step to upward mobility, but what about those who can't go to college?
A few decades ago, one didn't need college to work their way up to the middle class - workers were valued, and wages rose each year for everyone. But gradually, those at the top began taking more and sharing less with those beneath, until we got to where we are today: a ludicrous inflation of worth at one end, and near poverty at the other.
This is not how a strong and stable society survives, and it scares me.

Retail is low profit high competition and giving customers what they want is the name of the game or your soon out of it.

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
You still don't need college. There is good trade schools and always the opportunity to start your own business.

Companies do provide jobs of course those people are needed it is a mutually beneficial thing. But this thread was about walmart do you really think those workers should receive a middle class wage?

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Retired Expediter
low educated , no skill workers are there for the use as a corporation sees fit....a corporation has no place in trying to make the low class any better, it does not suit their needs and is frankly not in their best interests.... I like Walmart and their practices.

Just like carriers that burn thru not so bright cargo van serves them not, to educate them....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is not the responsibility of an employer to "educate" employees, other than in the things that are needed for the performance of their job, safety etc.

It IS the responsibility of the individual to educate themselves. It is the individuals responsibility to insure that they have the type of job they like and or the income levels they need.

If and individual is unhappy with their station in life they are free to change it. It is NOT the governments responsibility, a corporations or mine. It is solely the responsibility of the individual.

In other words, if you are dumb enough to be a sheep you must be prepared to be fleeced.


Veteran Expediter
I heard somewhere that groceries are a 1% to 2% business. That doesn't leave much room for payrolls or anything else.

Yet, oddly enough, the grocery section at Menard's is the most profitable department in the store.


Veteran Expediter
Agreed retail jobs in general like food industry is entry level work. Do people think the little mom and pop tv shop provided insurance for employees. My daughter is a freshman in college and works part time retail in a few years if she stays focused she will move on to better things. That is what those jobs are for.

It cracks me up when a company invests millions in a store, provides jobs to hundreds of people but yet they are the bad guy. But i guess if someone buys into the you didn't build that theory they might think that way.

It cracks me up when people talk about companies "providing jobs for people" as if it were entirely an altruistic thing, like charity, with no benefit to themselves, right? O wait - it is exactly like that, because they don't give to charity without getting something in return, either.
When the people at the top are billionaires and the people at the bottom need food stamps, there is a serious imbalance somewhere, don't you think?
I agree with your contention that low paid retail work is the first step to upward mobility, but what about those who can't go to college?
A few decades ago, one didn't need college to work their way up to the middle class - workers were valued, and wages rose each year for everyone. But gradually, those at the top began taking more and sharing less with those beneath, until we got to where we are today: a ludicrous inflation of worth at one end, and near poverty at the other.
This is not how a strong and stable society survives, and it scares me.

Retail is low profit high competition and giving customers what they want is the name of the game or your soon out of it.

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums

Absolutely nothing wrong with the person at the top making millions while the bottom is on food stamps... EVERYBODY has the opportunity to be that person at the top... in fact offer one of those people on food stamps 1.5 mill a year to do any job and they will forget all about their neighbors on food stamps, I would also put money on the fact they would not offer to do the job for less money because that would be "FAIR".. But unions and liberals have ingrained the entitlement mentality into a large group of American society, so it so much easier to sit back and whine and wait for all you bleeding heart liberals to feel sorry for them and provide for them,than it is to work to better themselves and gain a little self esteem...


Veteran Expediter
Absolutely nothing wrong with the person at the top making millions while the bottom is on food stamps...
Yes, there is: the existence of food stamps, which shouldn't exist.
There are lots of people who would/will be broke NO MATTER WHAT. And there are rich people from whom you could confiscate every last penny and in 10 years, they'll be wealthy again, and the people to whom you gave the money you stole from the rich people will be broke again.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Part of the problem is prioritization. People prioritize 400 cable channels, big screen flat screen HD tv sets, unlimited smart phone plans, clothes/jewelry/timepieces and of course tobacco and alcohol products and they put things like health care etc. at the bottom of the list. I suspect there are some on food stamps that could afford food if they gave up some of their "priorities" starting with tobacco and alcohol.


Veteran Expediter
You still don't need college. There is good trade schools and always the opportunity to start your own business.

For those [and I include myself in this category] who have no money [or aptitude] for college, no aptitude for any 'skilled trade', and the business acumen of the 3 Stooges, a lifetime of poverty is acceptable, then?
My point is that people used to be able to work their way up to middle class, gaining higher wages with seniority, but tha doesn't much happen nowadays - wages at the bottom have been stagnant for a decade, [while prices go up] and those at the top have skyrocketed into the stratosphere. Management isn't doing that much better [bankruptcies, anyone?] and the entry level workers are doing even more as their coworkers get laid off, so how is this justifiable?
When there's little hope of achieving a better life through one's own efforts, what happens to our society?

Companies do provide jobs of course those people are needed it is a mutually beneficial thing. But this thread was about walmart do you really think those workers should receive a middle class wage?

What's a 'middle class wage'? Anyhow, I think they should receive more than they get [and without the retaliation for daring to protest] if they qualify for food stamps despite working - that's just indefensible.
You guys all agree that a load offer that doesn't pay enough should be turned down [unless you believe it will be balanced by one that makes up for it at some point] because we aren't working to go broke for the customer's benefit, but you revile the workers who hold the same attitude towards their employers, and know the low pay won't be 'made up' down the road, ever.

I don't get the difference - you can use your judgement as to what's acceptable, but they have no right to protest?

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
Yes, there is: the existence of food stamps, which shouldn't exist.
There are lots of people who would/will be broke NO MATTER WHAT. And there are rich people from whom you could confiscate every last penny and in 10 years, they'll be wealthy again, and the people to whom you gave the money you stole from the rich people will be broke again.

you are right there should not be food stamps.. therewas a day when the churches and community took care of those who REALLY needed.. if there were no food stamps, there would be alot less whiners and alot less unemployment... but the government teet is a very strong drug....


Veteran Expediter
You still don't need college. There is good trade schools and always the opportunity to start your own business.

For those [and I include myself in this category] who have no money [or aptitude] for college, no aptitude for any 'skilled trade', and the business acumen of the 3 Stooges, a lifetime of poverty is acceptable, then?
My point is that people used to be able to work their way up to middle class, gaining higher wages with seniority, but tha doesn't much happen nowadays - wages at the bottom have been stagnant for a decade, [while prices go up] and those at the top have skyrocketed into the stratosphere. Management isn't doing that much better [bankruptcies, anyone?] and the entry level workers are doing even more as their coworkers get laid off, so how is this justifiable?
When there's little hope of achieving a better life through one's own efforts, what happens to our society?

Companies do provide jobs of course those people are needed it is a mutually beneficial thing. But this thread was about walmart do you really think those workers should receive a middle class wage?

What's a 'middle class wage'? Anyhow, I think they should receive more than they get [and without the retaliation for daring to protest] if they qualify for food stamps despite working - that's just indefensible.
You guys all agree that a load offer that doesn't pay enough should be turned down [unless you believe it will be balanced by one that makes up for it at some point] because we aren't working to go broke for the customer's benefit, but you revile the workers who hold the same attitude towards their employers, and know the low pay won't be 'made up' down the road, ever.

I don't get the difference - you can use your judgement as to what's acceptable, but they have no right to protest?

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums

People can protest all they want... that is what freedom of speech is all about.. But they should grow up and take care of business instead of looking for hand outs or the government to make it better for them... You see you are not far off on your thinking... when we make a DECISION not to take a load because it is not cost effective from a business stand point, it is the same as people making a DECISION to let someone else take care of them and not take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for themselves!!! There are 10,000 jobs in Montana right now they can't get people to fill... above average jobs, living wage jobs... but they chose to sit and whine.... and you really should not sell yourself short... you are smart enough to type and put together somewhat reasonable thoughts, so you have skills that you don't even think are worth anything...skills and job worthyness are a mind set if you think you are worthless then the path of least resistance lazyness and leads you to that... I have personally trained many uneducated less than desirable, fantastic people to do jobs that make a good enough living they can feel good about themselves doing.. do they have a big fancy house? no.. do they drive a car that has a big payment? no but they pay their own way in this world even as minimal as that is.. and they feel good about being productive and independent.. so I have very little tolerance for whiners and people who say there is NOTHING for them that is complete BS and I personally know it!!!


Veteran Expediter
Isn't Montana kinda like Hawaii ? People think because you can get $15 per hour bagging groceries you're making a living wage.
When you look around and find that minimal housing is going to be $ 1400 per month you still have a hard time covering the basics.