The man smoked some pot in college..who didn't he was not running a drug cartel..personally i think it makes him more real..criminal activity..??
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OH shock of shocks, smoking pot in college, or anywhere at that time, was ILLEGAL! Just doing so was criminal activity. Those who supplied his habit were/are murders. Just look at what is going on in Mexico. The Obama's contributed by buying.
REAL? NOTHING that putz does is real. I also would LOVE to know how he got the money to pay for the illegal substances he used. It would NOT surprise me if he did some shady things to come up with the money.
Now, do I think pot SHOULD have been or should be illegal? No. That changes nothing. The fact remains that being 'wasted', his words, not mine, was an illegal act.
His criminal activity continues to this day. There is NOTHING more criminal than his attack on our Constitution and way of life. Seems like nothing ever changes.