Some Info on FedEx, Tri State, and Panther


Expert Expediter
I'd love to hear from some, "E", expeditors out there, about their experiences with any of these companies. I'm going to sign on in about 3 months, and wanna get a feel on what I should expect. How busy you stay, how much DH. I'm going to be driving solo. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.




Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE PANTHER: I ran for them for over 4 years. Left on my own. Since I cannot give any positive feedback about them, you will have to draw your own conclusions.

Lady Expediter

Expert Expediter
> I'd love to hear from some, "E", expeditors out there,
>about their experiences with any of these companies. I'm
>going to sign on in about 3 months, and wanna get a feel on
>what I should expect. How busy you stay, how much DH. I'm
>going to be driving solo. Any and all info would be greatly
> Thanks
> Dan

Hi Dan,

We run 'E' units for FedEx, mostly as teams - Generally we have been very happy with FedEx and our experiences. We stay very busy I have had a "E' unit running solo off and on - 2003 he did fine with alot of offers/runs. 2003 was much better than 2002 and 2001, 2000 each year has for us progressively gotten busier and more profitable! :) We have had our share of deadhead miles, but it really is your choice (for the most part of wheather you take them or not)We have noticed it all works out for us by year end.
Hope this helps,


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Dan!
Welcome to EO. It’s nice to see more and more “E” unit drivers joining the ranks here on the EO forums. Personally I don’t drive “E” units. I do recall reading lots of threads here in the forums from others driving the big trucks, and they are always commenting about how busy they stay. Those posts would be in the achieves, mostly in the general forum. I don’t have any of those topic numbers at my finger tips, but if you go to search and plug in some key words you think would relate, the forum will find them for you. An example: keyword – E unit, tractor trailer, ECT.

I do remember one of the sponsors (fed-x-panther II-con-way now, ECT.) of EO having an ad or maybe an article by Jeff J. It read about that company wanting to hire “E” units and as an incentive, or maybe it is that companies policy, but they said all “E” units were being paid for all miles. I can’t remember who it was, but maybe give JJ a call at Toll Free 888.862.9831. Ask for Jeff, maybe he can recall the company and give you some info.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Expert Expediter
You guys are wonderful, I really do appreciate all the info I get from here. I visit this site at least once a week, I read everything I can about this, and I'm really looking forward to doing it full time, 30 years at a bakery is long enough!
I'm sure I'll get tired of it, but that's the beauty of it for me, since I'll be retired, I'll be able to come home more often, and not have to worry so much about it.

Thanks again



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Dan, re my post, I apparently did not read "E unit" when I first read your post, I am not an E Unit. sorry and hope you were not misled.