Slow Text msg offers FDCC


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
For the last two days, text msg offers have been up to four hours late.
Is it just my carrier? (Verizon)


Veteran Expediter
>For the last two days, text msg offers have been up to four
>hours late.
>Is it just my carrier? (Verizon)

Could be that the entire web that was slow, but the same thing has been happening to me.

The job offers I've received from UPS were at least three hours late.

Had the dispatchers not called me via landline, I would not have known they even existed.

My carrier is also Verizon. I have six (6) months left with them on my current contract, then I'll probably swith over to AT&T.

Be safe.


Veteran Expediter
"I'll probably swith over to AT&T"


The New AT&T has this great feature to most of their plans, it is called the "drop call in major markets" feature and costs nothing.


Veteran Expediter
>"I'll probably swith over to AT&T"
>The New AT&T has this great feature to most of their plans,
>it is called the "drop call in major markets" feature and
>costs nothing.


What carrier are your using and how would you rate it ??

I was on a run going SB-I77 from Cleveland to Williamson, KY this past week and about 30 miles South of Canton I lost all Internet Web services until I reached Charleston, WV.

Be safe.


Seasoned Expediter
I have had cingular,sprint and now verizon.Basically,What I have found from calling customer service is,if you have your phone on roam you are not using your service providers towers and this is what the problem is.Your service provider sends the message,but it is up to the roaming tower to send it to your phone and text messages are not a priority to them and most likely will not be sent or when bandwidth is at a lower usage wich can be hours or days later!!!!My best advice to you would be to make sure your phone doesnt roam(you can turn the roam feature off on most phones).Also when you move from tower to tower, while you drive sometimes this can cause a issue and you will need to turn your phone off,take out the battery for 5 minutes and put the battery back in and turn it on and you will have a higher quality signal(ever get a echo or hear yourself talk?).If this all fails call your service provider and make sure you phone didnt throw itself off the network(it will still work just not as good)I had this problem mostly with cingular!!!
I wish that the companys would just combine there towers 100% and it would take care of most of this!!!!
Hope it helps!!

O/O B unit Panther #11514 Since 03/06


Veteran Expediter
Vandriver, thank you for the explanation, which is pretty much the same one that I got from the people at Cingular/AT&T, but as I told them: drivers who have just one cellphone, and are constantly moving from one tower to another, can't turn off the phone that often, much less remove & replace the battery. (They had no answer for that problem)
PS How do you even know that you've gone from one tower to another?!


Veteran Expediter
Sorry hedgehog,

I have the new AT&T and have the tower problem and all sorts of dropping calls in places where I should not, like downtown LA.

Cheri, I had a long conversation with the guys at AT&T about turning off the phone bit and they told me that the firmware (the stuff that runs the towers) at some of these leases access points (the towers that other carriers own) is not in sync with AT&T's requirements - it takes time to upgrade the firmware.


Seasoned Expediter
Actually I drop more calls since the at&t merge than ever. I have dropped calls mainly in smaller markets like Brooklyn, Columbus, Chicago, my contracts up at 1st of year they have till then to get the dropped calls fixed or i switching


Veteran Expediter

Your explanation makes sense.

However, 90% of my run offers usually occur from my office in my house.

So, it would seem to me that maybe the carrier(s) problems might be with the ever increasing demand put on the system.

Anyways, thanks for the info on AT&T from Greg and Cheri. Perhaps switching to another carrier is not the solution.

Be safe.


Seasoned Expediter
usually you can visually see the towers from the road,and by looking at your signal strength.(it will go from higher to lower and back to being full signal strength again).
Be safe

O/O B unit Panther #11514 Since 03/06


Veteran Expediter
Well, that explains why I never see the towers: I'm generally looking at where I'm going, and the traffic around me, and hardly never at my cellphone. ;)


Seasoned Expediter
To save you another heartbreak, DO NOT try T-Mobile, it is worse than you could ever imagine. x( x(


Expert Expediter
I too use Verizon. I do'nt do text messages but how about this one? I spend 2 weeks on vacation and had great reception on incoming and outgoing calls. I return home and stay there 2 days. Then I jump in the truck and leave. I get about 90 miles away when my phone dings to let me know that I have 8 new voice mails some of which at this point were a week and a half to 2 weeks old. So---whats the deal with voice mail?

Pappy :-(


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Pappy. Them southern folks talk kinda slow so their voice mail may take a while longer to reach you.


Expert Expediter
Glad you guys were able to shed some light on my problem---and just in the nick of time too, cause I was on my way out the door to change service providers! Now I'm gonna log out and spend the next couple of weeks callin' all my friends and let them know that they need to talk a little faster when leaving me a voice mail

Pappy ;)


Seasoned Expediter
I have TMoblie and I have had nothing but good luck with them. The only thing that I dont like is their air card for the internet. I dont lose as many calls as my family does, they all have the NEW AT&T