Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait NVR


Not a Member
Good Eveinng

Well been on the Net alot this weekend so to speak after Sweeping out the Tractor and re-arranging the trailer for the up teenth time. Most likely will do it again. Good Lord getting like my Mom as she rearanges the house two to three times a week still, sorry mom but had ta tell. Ya Im here in this desolet truck stop phone is on roam and and can't talk to no one unless want to pay roam charges to Verizon. Ya Hmm So many times I said to myself I wouldn't get caught up in the same ole thing of this Hurry up and wait to pu. I just know it's the sweet talking the dispatchers do to talk ya into do it for them. Ya Right OOO HG LOL Hummor right, Funney

I won't do it again. Unless its a very very very good load.

Can ya fly Bobby ?? "Can Ya here me now"?? HA HA

Ya I could be doen better or I could be doen worse IE sitting in the stinking desert Eating MRE's Hey don't knock em they were better than the chuck wagon. HG Course then anything taste better then eating sand all day. (Food for thought)

HA HA Hummor or is it all but gone? ;-)

Last night The boss other driver T.C calls and says hey Im over at your stomping ground Ruther Glen VA (about 30 clicks from Your house) if you were here ya could have went home. I say T.C. I can't talk now Im on roam and I hung up.

Hmm what should I do. I did Laundry and went to Chruch this morning HMM maybe Ill go re-arrange the Trailer again and then go running as its a nice day about 36 degrees F no T.C not Celius but 36 F. Well any way that's about it.

On a positive note the Truck owes me a PM dinner since last week I had the PM & Dot done while I was out in Nevada. Hmm Ya I'll go running then shower then get my deserved PM Dinner.
(As the Boss is Buying) HA HA HA HA

Time TA sore like an Eagle, Bob: Colorado, CA, Nevada Hmm.

NO Turkey or JYD's
Gobble Gobble. Whoof Whoof
"Can Ya Here Me NOW" (Verizon)Nope must not still on Roam. HA HA HA
Hint Hint.

Now where is that pay phone Ill jack up the boss number call him collect. When he asks Driver what's going on I'll say you never accepted a phone call from Driver Its Kevin. Then Hang up, call him back collect again till he gets the name right. hmm I wonder How many times it will take to get him to stop calling me driver and use my Name. In the service they had no prolbem using my Name. Driver in my book just doesn't work. Example Your in a truck stop the boss be talking to ya then he says driver instead of using your name and everyone is looking at him as if he were talking to them. Get The Picture now. Thought so.

Driver Hmm

The Name is Kevin and I'm a Person

Have a Safe one



Seasoned Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

We hereya, we are sitting in Janesville Wi since Friday Morning, underload. We were wondering how often our situation happens.
We loaded in Grand Rapids Thursday night on a load that was suppose to deliver straight to Janesville then reload right back to Grand Rapids. When we accepted the load, then were told delivery times had changed from 4:30am to 7:00am, which actually gave us more time to make run, so that took the pressure off of rushing around Chicago. We did arrive at 3:30 and took a nap along with about a dozen other TTs. At 7:00 company still not open, sent word to dispatch to see what they knew. They called us and told us the delivery had been changed to Monday morn, at that we could either set on it for layover pay or take a chance, give it to another truck, let them wait, and us hope we could get another load. We chose a bird in the hand rather than the 2 in the bush, since we were told we would get layover pay and we still get the pay for the backhaul at full rate, not a adjusted one. Our question is, what would a Veteran driver had done and does this happen often? Thanks for your responces ahead of time.


FedEx CC O/O D6758

That' Us, We're Gittin There!=====>


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Take the detention and full backhaul. A known factor beats an unknown.When you unload at the return make sure you call in order to have the D pay added in before you send your POD and they close out the load. Did you get a quote on the D Time pay,best to get a record of this.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Yes, they told us what we would be getting paid and we verified it with or CC before we told them we would stay on the load, she also advised us to sit on the load.


FedEx CC O/O D6758

That's Us, We're Gittin There!=====>


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Anyone with a phone contract that charges roaming anywhere in the continental U.S. needs to get off their butt and to the phone store asap to change plans. I just redid my plan and for $5 less a month now get 50 more minutes a month and night free minutes start 2 hours earlier. If you pay roaming charges on your next billing cycle shame on you.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

<Ya Im here in this desolet truck stop phone is on roam and and
can't talk to no one unless want to pay roam charges to Verizon.>

You really need to change your plan - we have Verizon and pay a set price each month - no roaming charges even in Canada or Mexico. Give them a call, they will gladly change your plan over the phone!


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait


I agree with RichM and you. A bird in the hand is best. Getting full pay for the return run is good too. You made all the right calls. Loads that bump to a Monday delivery happen, but not often. It is wise, though, to keep a special eye on weekend loads that are originally booked as straight through.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Wheres the Tact? Get off your but, and get to a phone center? Had no idea but lazy I am not....

More and more of this tastless behavor going on here on the Posts. Mean People Suck but he sticks it to the Christian Right... Christian right I am not, just Christian got your point though.

Just another example of the Tact and respect of the posts.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

As to the original post, the company I run for does not play these games. The load would have as I believe should be sent to a loading dock and we would have been paid the one way.

Wisconsin, probably the second best Expediting Center there is. I am taking my chances on another load out of there. My longest lay over in WI, well its so short I can say this I never remember spending a night there except on my way to MN.

Either way you did not do wrong...


Not a Member
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Yes your right how ever my plan with Verizon has two phones on it so I can Talk to the wife for free.

When I am on roam Extended net work if I Talk to some one that is on a differnt Phone system I get Charge. big time

Yes on the Weekends and After 8 pm is Free that is True unless Im in Extended (ROAM and talk to some one with a Nextell or Alltell ect)

Cananda Cost out he Ying Yang I wont go any farther than that

Now You have some Very Beatiful Dogs White albino Shepards
but I think you already know that yes

Well any way my sub was not about Verizon even though I went there sorry but Rather about Boredem and Hurry up and wait Loads. And of course the Boss and his Driver Vice a Name. HG LOL any way. But I will take the tip and give em a call as Im sick of all the extended crap. Also places out in Navada I dont have no service as well is in New Mexico and AZ as well.

Oh ya I did go work out and Ran 2.5 miles, then hit the shower then me and my Co driver C.G sat and had that PM Dinnner I was talking about. And now Im on here. Hmm not much happening.

The Pic is of my 7month old german Shepard He just a baby still
going to be about 140 to 150 lbs his parents were 150 lbs German Shepards. Big Dogs. yupper he is full pure bred with papers.

Have a Safe One


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Seems like there would be a plan for that with no roaming too. I have unlimited mobile to mobile on my Sprint and it's good for anyone else with Sprint not just on my plan. I have no roaming either. And if my response before seemed abrupt it wasn't meant to be. One of those cases where you need the inflections to see it was meant to imply mock urgency and not rudeness.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
RE: Sitting & Underload & Bored Hm Hurry up & Wait

Thank you for the comment about my babies. Yes, they are beautiful and spoiled!!! Our shepards also have papers but we cannot show them since they are white. They are also small compared to yours - which is also beautiful. (I love all shepards!) Our male, which is 4 yrs old, only weighs 97 lbs but pure muscle, his big thing is he likes to run and jump for the frisbee. Our little girl is now down to 105, the vet put her on a diet. She is only 2 and we found out her hips were shot at the age of 5 months so the vet wants to keep her weight at a minimum.

Now back to the Verizon, I know that was not your inital subject but I thought I would let you know they do offer better plans and you should check into them. No matter who we talk to or what phone service they are with, we do not get any extra charges. We also have the free Verizon to Verizon with our plan.

Back to the original post. Yes, there is nothing worse than having to "hurry up and wait" but sometimes it happens that way. It seems as though you made the best of it though. Hope you didn't eat more calories than you burned off!! :+ :+