Simply the Best


Veteran Expediter
The other day I was called by Jim Haworth asking me questions about US Express as I got a Friend there that is Leasing a Truck. Vesper Gohalas a old Team Partner of mine from the past and a very Good Friend.

Here is what he told me so listen up!! You cant be lookin through the windshield driver & have Pretty Boy Equipment!! If you do you will need to dump that ride. Pretty Boy Trucks may be good for Expedite but not for US Express. no matter wont take the pounding that those trucks endure. Crasher the Pretty boy Truck don't have the right Rears to do the Job. She too High Speed. Granted alot of the loads Vespa said are typicaly light 35000 a few 20000 ect but as a Leaser he does more of there 43000 44000 loads as he stated thats what they give him mostely. He is Driving A Columbia. Vesper said Pretty Boy Trucks just don't cut it in that realm of Trucking. He was laughing.

If your thinking about going to US Express you need to take better care of your self. Also get ready to Lease a New Ride. Truthfully the only way you will really make money is Lease from them, or just be a driver. If you Lease they will keep you moving.
The Big Red Machine isn't for everyone but for some it is.
But Listening to Vesper better stay where your at.
Or get ready to Lease from them or just become a Driver for them. Your Choice. Do they make money well ya got to do the miles to get the money and if you cant then ya wont.

Hope that Helps
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Veteran Expediter
Twas informative indeed, lol,and I've missed IRT's posts - they may be almost incomprehensible at times, but they're always interesting! :D