+ sign


Seasoned Expediter
If one scrolls down to the bottom of the Forums page to see who's currently online, some n have a + sign behind their names.
Why do a few have it and others don't?


Veteran Expediter
Not 100% sure, but I think the + indicates a member who is on your personal 'friends' list.



Veteran Expediter
I was going to say I think the +s (you will notice no apostrophe, just for Charles, even tho +s is harder to understand as a plural +, than say, if I had typed +'s) are for the really nice EO members, especially the one with the " * " beside them.. but I think you're onto something there Cheri!


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Cheri is right :) The names you see a + sign by are on your personal friends list!



Veteran Expediter
Maybe a - would be someone on your 'ignore' list. Dunno, as I haven't anyone on mine.

Dreamer: I never like things that flash or move on the page, but I do like your lil zoom thingy - it's so perfect for what we do, lol. :D