

Veteran Expediter
Dieseldiva: Attacking usernames? I disagree, it was merely my own personal observations on usernames.( And BTW, in 3rd grade, a username wasn't chosen by the individual who bore it, but by their peers, so your analogy is a little off.) As far as disagreeing goes, at one time or another, I've disagreed with many posters, including Broompilot, and LDB, too - but I respect them, and their opinions, because they treat me with respect, as well. Disagreement does not mean disrespect, if you challenge the statement, instead of the person. A small, but crucial difference.
DoggieDaddy: was that not you posting under your username, berating Broompilot for "making money off the backs of those who are having the hardest time of it" and the snarky "WWJD"?

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
OH YEAH,that was me,but like I told LDB go back to the beginning of this thread and see who fired the first shot.DD.


Veteran Expediter
I get it.....YOU have personal observations......the undesirables here (myself) have attacks. Hmm......

I've seen you "personally observe" several people on a rude-like way, how else could you get from shower coupons to usernames??


Expert Expediter
DD & DD,

I'm not taking sides in this debate, but I will state that Broom is the type of person that would not only give a shower coupon to someone who needed it, but would go as far as pay for it out of his pocket to help someone in need.

I have sat next to drivers (not Van necessarily drivers) that I would have gladly bought a shower for just so I could eat my meal without enduring the odor coming from them.

Broom, I am always looking for a deal, so if you get some extra shower coupons, I would be glad to buy them from you at a reduced rate. After all...a penny saved is a penny earned, in my book.

And I must also add that attacking Leo was ridiculous! Leo doesn't take sides based on friendship or personal differences.

As for as Cheri, Well you just have to over look her feisty ways... She's getting OLD you know.


Love ya Cheri...mean it!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Your opinion and you certainly are entitled to it.

BTW, that wasn't an attack, it was a "personal observation" IMO!!!!!


Expert Expediter
well I feel left out so I will type something--- SOMETHING!!!



Veteran Expediter
>well I feel left out so I will type something---

Sheesh is that all ya got??? LOL


Veteran Expediter
I believe the transition followed your "birds of a feather" comment, which was in response to LDB's post.
Everyone has personal observations, but they elevate to 'attack' when the person is criticized, ie:
"When you, a former expediter, take advantage of your former "friends" by selling them a coupon you wouldn't use anyway"
"Posters beware: this is the kind of response you can expect"

I think most people don't need to be told what to think, they can read and evaluate for themselves.


Veteran Expediter
After reading through the posts, I believe their must be a hidden agenda that precipitated such abrasive responses; something more deep-seated or long-term.

Certainly, we have all experienced a moment at some point in time when our exchange of verbiage has become terse and offensive, but within a few more sentences, we returned to the natural state of our demeanor.

Considering previous informative and helpful posts, by all parties concerned, I was somewhat taken back by continual jousting that was occurring. That said, it would be my desire to shed some light on the comments that were posted. It would be the light of God’s Holy Word; not my opinion. The Bible says, â€Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.â€

Proverbs 22:29 â€Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.â€

An obvious indication of how difficult it is to find a truly resourceful and productive man. “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? One will not find many, because so epidemic are lifelessness and slothfulness.

“He shall stand before kings.†Commended is he who puts himself out to get business, though it may be even small in monetary gain. He who loves business, is quick and active in it, and goes through it, not only with constancy and resolution, but with dexterity and expedition; a man of verve, who knows how to generate new business within his realm.

A moral prognostication of the preferment of such a man is that though now he stands “before mean menâ€, is employed by them and is present with them, yet he will ascend. Through diligence in business he is likely enough to “stand before kingsâ€.

“Seest thou a man diligent†in his business; he is likely to excel in virtue, and shall stand before the King of kings.

Proverbs 10:4 He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Proverbs 21:5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

God is not against business. In fact, He commands us to be good stewards; to be careful and properly utilize the income or possessions afforded to us.

Personally, I have never had any difficulty in getting free showers. I am not too proud to ask those in the Driver’s Lounge; “Anyone have a spare shower credit that is going to expire before they use it?†Moreover, the Lord has given me some grace to ask kindly if I could get a shower key by filling up my tank and explaining that a cargo van simply cannot hold 50 gallons of fuel.

If neither of those methods produce results, and a driver would offer to sell me a shower coupon for less than I would have to spend by purchasing the same, it would a blessing to do so because I am following God’s command to be a good steward.

PS. I am a Christian, but only because I was first saved by Grace through Faith (Ephesians 2:8,9). My salvation preceded my being known, or recognized, as a Christian man. One preceded the other.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Wow, look at all the fake outrage. Reverend Al would be right proud. Look folks, it's just the Internet, and there's no reason to get all bent out of shape over a bunch of relatively meaningless text on a screen. Get a grip.

"Most people will give these away rather than see them dissipear in another day or two. I know I have given mine away for a couple of dollars..."

The point still stands.... if you gave it away for a couple of dollars, you didn't give it away. Too funny. LOL Even though I know what you meant, the way you worded it was, well, too funny.

Almost as funny as...

"I am POSITIVE that you have no idea what I really meant to say."

Which begs the question, do you have any idea of what you actually meant to say, and if so, why didn't you just say it the way you meant it, instead of saying something other than what you meant to say? <giggle>

Hey, I know how we can get out of this abyss. Let's all gang-attack Leo again over something equally as ludicrous as poking into personal, private, business records that are neither personal nor private. That was fun to watch.

Quit worrying about people trying too hard to be offended. They're not even trying anymore - they're just offended at everything, real or imagined. I guess I'm just gonna have to sue the TA, now. A black guy (or a white guy) in a black (or a white) tractor-trailer can get a free shower, but a white guy (or a black guy) in a white (or a black) van cannot. The TA is blatantly vehiclist, and they must pay for their vehicle discrimination! I want my free shower because I think they should give it to me, for free. At the very least they should give it to me, for free, for a couple of dollars. hehe

Van drivers unite! If you buy fuel, any amount at all, even a penny's worth, at the Detroiter, you get a $2 shower. That's practically the same as giving it away.

Therapy is expensive. Poppin' bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.

Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Rev. Dave's post made me smile, and have a little more hope...and Turtle's made me right out laugh!

C'mon folks, as was already said a couple times.. quit trying so hard to be offended. Seems when there's nothing to argue about, people make stuff up!

Back to our regularly sheduled programming.

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