We need to start charging these shippers for telling us the shipment is this or that. But when we get there it's not even close to what they told us.
"Well, we told them it was 154" long. " they told me it was 120" long.
THEY and THEM LIED. Whoever they OR THEM are.
Shippers think they are putting one over on us. We let them get away with it, then they are.
Last week one skid 1500 lbs. actual load was 4 skids at 2200 lbs.
Another- 2 @ 1500 actual load was 3 2250 lbs.
But, there are a few that go the other way. 2@ 1000 lbs. actual was 1@500 lbs.
If the rates where over the top, it would be different.
I think the shipper tells whoever they book the load with what the shipment dims are. But somehow when it gets to us it's grown. So, shipping and brokerage folks think they are slick, they need another greasing.
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