Did I mention that no one says all roads lead to Taylor anymore?
Yes, you did. And it's true, they don't, which is why I was so taken aback with, and slightly annoyed by (and it is slightly, not majorly) the 10 day deadline to get this now suddenly, urgent and mandatory upgrade done.
Like I said, if I had been asked to get it done sooner, it would have been done sooner. I knew that it was available to be done, during the testing phase, but I never knew it was
supposed to have been done by
everybody. I wasn't invited to do any testing. The
very first time I read or heard that it actually
needed to be done was on the 13th, and only then because I read others talking about getting a QC message about it. I never received that message. Delivery failed. I don't see any other QC messages about it over the last 2 or 3 months, either. I had to look online to see it, and the only reason I looked there is because someone said everyone got a QC message about it. That's only the second time ever I've looked at QC messages online.
If you look at my QC messages online you'll see the
NMC Error: Message Rejected/Timed Out in bold bold red letters for MSG 1263374.
Looking back through old QC messages online I came across
another message that failed delivery, one that I did not receive (MSG 1233066). Coincidentally, it's the same message about the Sept 30 deadline. That message was sent, but not received, on August 30th. Seems to be a problem with resending failed messages.
I see lots and lots of messages about call volumes and paper logs, tho.
In retrospect, maybe the desire to have everyone get this done by the end of September should have been added to the weekly paper logs reminders starting 2 or 3 months ago. They always seem to get through. Food for thought on future deadline of this nature.