September Location


Expert Expediter
New company keeping you busy? I had a record week last week at Ceva, and this week is off to a good start.:D

:cool: Keeping us very busy at times and then a day off to relax and get truck cleaned up for next trip. usually going out every two days.:D Oh yea .............and get weekends off now too.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Oh man it's so hard NOT to get the giggles...i really LIKE Eddie's wife for that one!

But now we know for sure....women have a higher threshold for pain. And I truly don't wish either kind of pain on either sex...that's why they make pain pills...*l*

No Pain pills yet! I'm a manly man!!!! Drove 250 while in "labor". Unloaded, then went to the J, rolled around in the back like a BB in a beer can until it stoped moving....passed out for 7 hours in a deep sleep. Then wimped out and came home as a girly man.....


OVM Project Manager
No Pain pills yet! I'm a manly man!!!! Drove 250 while in "labor". Unloaded, then went to the J, rolled around in the back like a BB in a beer can until it stoped moving....passed out for 7 hours in a deep sleep. Then wimped out and came home as a girly man.....

You ain't dropped that puppy yet? Wish't you'd hurry up so I could pass out cigars...:)


Veteran Expediter
I'll be blasting through that party in Dallas if I get loaded here in Laredo. At the shipper waiting for the pallet to arrive and then it's off to Wentzville, MO.



Veteran Expediter
:cool: Keeping us very busy at times and then a day off to relax and get truck cleaned up for next trip. usually going out every two days.:D Oh yea .............and get weekends off now too.

Hey you can't complain about weekends off. I get most off myself


Retired Expediter
You got more loaded miles than me and more deadhead. What happened to your advice about holding out for the big one?:D

77 miles DH - 287 loaded BUT at a $1.00/mile plus.08 and leaves me in a good spot and it is a day trip....:p

How'd ya make out on yours? Moneybags...*LOL*

Besides who ever listens to advice?....hahaha.....


Veteran Expediter
Still at the "J" in Dallas///yeap it was RLent in that other bolt sprinter....went out of service for 10 hrs after i dropped in arlington..slept at the up to 10-12 other expediters here..and a small group of 5 sitting under a tree..joined them for a day of of them was EO's Xiggi and later in the day after he rolled out of bed , Randy (RLent) joined us. One oldtimer (77) sayes sitting around lying to each other use to be the way of expediters but now its tough gettin people out of the trucks...At times yesterday we had as few as 4 and as many as 7 guys sitting and enjoying the company and certainly made the day go by. I have another 12 or so hours before I DH out of here unless they get me a load....RLENT DH'd out , i am #1...the Oldtimer is sittin under the tree now, guess ill washup, brush my teeth go eat a bowl of cereal with later


Veteran Expediter
Life of a CV driver.....freight is too tall to go through the door...dry run pay and hope for another load out of dallas today......back to the "J" glad it was only a 26 mile dh....


Veteran Expediter
Just delivered in Laredo and hoping we're not here much longer. It's so hot here. I should be used to the heat, being from Texas, but I'm not. We just came back from spending a week running up north in the nice cool weather, so it makes it that much hotter.


Not a Member
Dropped off in San Bernadino last night and checked
into Yosimite this morning. The campgrounds just about empty
Got a pick up south of san fran noon time saturday.


Veteran Expediter
Still Home ,
have a big happening for later on this afternoon ,
then , if anyone in the area , you are welcome to come over for breakfast at the north pole : 1644 Hastings Ave
Newport, MN 55055
(651) 459-9553
Then heading to W.I for a load going back to the WHQ in C.A