Ive got one of those Microfridges where the microwave is secured to the top of the fridge with rails, with screws through the side rails into the microwave. You could probably rig up something similar, but I'd be very careful about drilling holes into the fridge, or the microwave, for screws. You'd want to know, for sure, if where you are drilling is OK.
If it were me, I'd use industrial strength Velco to secure the microwave to the top of the fridge. And I'd use a lot of it. Probably too much of it. But it would be secure, lemme tell ya.
I wouldn't use a little 1/2x1/2 inch square of Velcro attached tot he bottom of the microwave feet or something. I'd remove the feet and nearly cover the entire bottom of the microwave with Velcro. Go to Wal Mart and go back to the sewing department and get the Industrial Strength Velcro. It is, of course, available at Home Depot, Lowes and other fine retailers. hehe
The microwave will make the fridge top-heavy. It won't be too bad, with the fridge only being 33" high, but it'll be top heavy enough. Mine is 45" tall without the microwave on it, 56" with the microwave installed. And it's 64" with the printer/scanner/copier on top of that.
I rigged up a bar, bended it into a handle kind of a thing, and attached that to the rails with screws. I used a strip of metal carpet seam, couple of inches wide (1/8 inch thick, maybe?). Home Depot, Lowes, any place like that has them. Bended it about 8 inches from the end in a 90 degree angle, at each end, so that the "handle" is about the same length as the micrwave is wide.
Placed the bar in between the rail and the microwave, so the screws secured both the handle and the microwave at the same time. I attached the handle part to a piece of 3/4 inch plywood, about 14x18 inches, near the bottom, then attached that to the rails on the fridge (had to attach the wood first). Once secured to the fridge, I then screwed the top of the wood to the wall where it could be screwed in to.
With the wood being 18 inches high, and being connected only near the bottom, that leaves about 16 inches of plywood free, and makes it less than sturdy, giving the wood too much room to flop back and forth if the fridge wanted to pull way from the wall. After attaching the wood to the wall, the empty space between the top-back of the microwave and the wood is where it has the room to move, to wobble, to eventually rip the screws out of the wall, not to mention the mind-numbing squeak I wanted to avoid at all costs. I cut a piece of 3/4 inch plywood the same width as the microwave, and cut it to be wide enough so that when wedged in between the microwave and the plywood panel, it was very snug and tight. Put a strip of glue on the wood strip to glue it to the wood panel, and wedged it in there. It eliminates any sway and wobble, no squeaks, and holds everything tight and secure to the wall. The carpet on the floor also prevents it from sliding from underneath.
There is, I'm sure, a better way to secure this thing, but it's beyond my experience. What I've done works, but I'm not necessarily recommending it to anyone else. I offer it here merely to give someone ideas that they may be able to better incorporate into what they need to do with their own setup.