I use the Roho Air cushions.They cost about $200 apeice and are worth in my opinion every penny of the cost.You can order them from WWW.therohogroup.com and they will give you a 60 day trial period.They also come with a 2 year warranty.We even take them from the truck and use them in our car when we are home.
rich,me and the better half just purchased a couple of the cushions that you recommended. we havent had a chanceto try them out yet as we just got them. but i did want to let you and everyone else know that the price for them is now $149.00 apiece. we hope that they do well, because youre right about the ride quality (or lack of)in an fl70.DD
Hey Doggie Daddy and Refer Hauler, Ive learned so much from just reading these forums. After visiting the roho web site I see the cushions are like $190. Where did you guys get them for $149?
Thanks, Dave
I called them and ordered over the phone. The price was 149. call and tell them every one else paid 149 it cant hurt, I will run until I'm out of hours, not because I need to stop because my butt is numb
I just called the Roho Group to order a cushion. The young lady said that the price was $149 last April, but has been raised. She said that they prefer not to do retail sales and that I should contact a distributor for a better price. I am going to stop by the Windmill Truck Stop in Diamondale, MI later this week and will see what they are selling them for.
I picked up a Roho cushion at Don's windmill Truck Stop (I-96 & I-69) in the Lansing area. The price was $149.00. I used it in my FL-70 from Lansing to Grand Rapids and back to Detroit. Simply put, "I am very satisfied and feel it is well worth the price." I have also used it in my personal 1 ton chevy van. The only minor complaint is that the valve for the cushion ends up against the seat belt receiver.