How many kids are going to eat this lunch? It may or may not be nutritious and meet Michelle's expectations. What it probably won't meet is the average school kid's visual inspection.
"Michelle" is not responsible for that sad creation, and whatever food service person is should be fired. It is not that hard to make lunches that are nutritious and that kids will eat, really. Or do you think they should just be given what they "will" eat?
The biggest part of the battle is persuading stupid adults to stop assuming [and teaching] that people, especially kids, don't like veggies. Have you ever seen a kid's menu in a restaurant that includes veggies? I haven't, and it really irked me to take my kids out for dinner and have to pay for the crap that is marketed for kids.
Stuck for another day in a motel, I walked to the only store around today, wanting to get some veg or fruit to go with my [Lean Cuisine] dinner: a 'convenience' store. Guess how many kinds of veggies I found? None. Nada. Zilch.
This is the everyday reality for a lot of people who have to walk, and it costs us a lot in medical care, sooner and later.
But it's better to blame Michelle for the way some moron handles the challenge of healthier lunches. SMH.