Saviour Siblings - Right or Wrong?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Tend to your own garden, Turtle. There's enough work there to keep you busy for years. Shore up your own glass house. See how that works? As for hypocrisy, the welfare of a child is everybody's business. Do you even have children? From what well do you draw experience? Murphy Brown re-runs?
I do tend to my own garden. I don't go around sticking my nose in other people's business telling them how to live and think, and then judging them and berating them when they don't bend to my will. As for my having children and from where I draw my experience, that's also none of you business.


Veteran Expediter
I do tend to my own garden. I don't go around sticking my nose in other people's business telling them how to live and think, and then judging them and berating them when they don't bend to my will. As for my having children and from where I draw my experience, that's also none of you business.

Read the title of this thread, Turtle. The OP asks: Saviour Siblings-Right or Wrong?

The OP invited feedback and I responded directly to her question. I will respond to the questions posed by an OP as I choose, as often as I choose and with absolutely no concern for your opinion. If you're gonna follow me from post to post, better get used to opposing viewpoints. I will restate my belief that the welfare of a child is everyone's business. Stick to the topic and get away from attacking the personalities who respond to the OP.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I have read the title, and I'll respond however I please to the original question and any comments made by anyone within the tread. If you don't want your comments to be commented on in a public forum, don't make them in a public forum.


Veteran Expediter
aristotle said:
Tend to your own garden, Turtle.
Since when did you automatically rate a free pass on whatever it is you write ?

Write something and speak out ..... probably a fairly good chance someone may see fit to comment on it ...

aristotle said:
If you're gonna follow me from post to post, better get used to opposing viewpoints.
Oh boy ..... here we go ...... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter

I am curious where you stand on the 2 choice moral dilemma that I posed earlier - given the 2 choices, which one would you make ?

Or if it's neither, what do you see as a 3rd option ?