You know, it sounds all that great on the surface but you really have to put it in context to the country, like France, who has a different immigration outlook and a different culture than our own.
BUT with that said, you also have to delve into their own mess with their own BIG loss of national identity through the European Union, which has spurred a lot of this nationalist slanted thought in the past 10 years - and the reason for Oslo. If one wants to equate Multiculturalism with just Arabs, which the French and Germans are talking about, then they also have to actually come to grips with the problem that the European Union's creation caused by making one big multicultural state out of the European continent. No longer is there much difference within Europe of who is who, an Italian now can be a Frenchman but can also be a German. They now are treated as a unit of a corporation and not as an individual country. Agricultural quotas are one, harmonizing laws is another and having one currency is the third in a long line of multicultural attacks against national identities of these countries.
Now with that said, the French have a few of their own problems and Sarkozy is speaking about everything on a nationalist level. Merkel has said the same thing and so has others in other EU countries, all of which have had colonies where they did the same thing as their immigrants are doing to them now - staying in a tight community and not becoming what the indigent population wants them to be.
Here, I don't see the accommodations here that they have tried to make there, I just don't see it. I mean outside of providing language and religious accommodations, we have yet to come to point where we need to invoke some sort of laws special to one group or another in order to make it fair based on their religion or origin. We have yet changed our way of life based on our fears of a religion but we have based on our own fears from our own stupidity.