Sarah Palin hits the online job market


Retired Expediter
Sarah Palin has posted her resume on LinkedIn, asking for "job inquiries."

On the site Monday morning, she lists five jobs and one degree, from the University of Idaho. There are also 500+ connections and a hopeful note: she's also interested in "getting back in touch."

Palin's longest held job is her six years as mayor of the Alaska town of Wasilla and her shortest, vice-presidential candidate, 2008 U.S. election: less than a year.

Her field, the resume says, is "political organization" and her jobs have all been held in a "government administration industry."

Palin also lists governor, state of Alaska: 2 years, 7 months; chairperson, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission: 1 year; and council member, Wasilla, 3 years.

Her degree is in journalism from the University of Idaho.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Please tell me you do not beleive this!

She is going on Barry's womans show Oprea to go over her book. She is not looking for a job...well, not until 2012 anyway....


Veteran Expediter
Workd for me, BUT....if you are going to do it, give attribution to the writer and the original posting.....if you don't do that (and i always do :D ) all you are posting is junk....LOL :D

PS: one "cut and paste" every now and then, does not a "Cutter and Paster" make!! :D