San Francisco, the trash town of the west


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Miserable worthless city supervisors make that dump a sanctuary city so that criminal aliens can stay there with impunity. One of the criminal aliens kills three people and was already known to be a criminal alien that should have been deported but those FOOLS in Kalifornia care nothing about the law and three people are dead because of it. Kalifornia... what a disgrace!!!


Veteran Expediter
Well Chicago, New York and New haven are the same.

Detroit is too poor but we have a great number of them hanging out there in the Mexican part of the city.

LA, San Diego and Phoenix comes to mind and for some reason Denver.

AND so does the eastern part of Tennessee.


Veteran Expediter
At the rate we're going, our economy will be on par with our southern neighbors in no time. Soon you may hear them complaining about Americans sneaking across the border.

Maybe that's why they want to scrap the fence!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, there are numberous rotten cities around the nation. It's just that most putrid of cities where three people were just recently killed by a criminal alien.


Not a Member
.. what a disgrace!!!

And the neighbor city to your north is any better ? Houstons nothing more than a rat infested hideout with 10's of thousands of aliens. Last month your good neighbors "the Cerna Brothers" had just murdered a local Doctor. Oh yeah, Houstons one fine city.......NOT !!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The difference being that Houston is not a sanctuary city and will turn them over to ICE for deportation rather than thumbing their noses at legitimate citizens and keeping criminal aliens under protection. I find plenty wrong with here as well but in this case I'm talking about sanctuary cities.