Safety Vision


Expert Expediter
Will be installing safety Vision System and wanted to know what is the best location for side camera. Mirror, fender, door?

And the rear camera, should it be on top of the box or just below the roof line under box center marker light. And what is best routing for camera cable. Across top of box or through the box itself?

And has anyone mounted the monitor overhead in cab on passenger side.



Senior Moderator
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Mount the cable in the box on the inside track with the other wires.
Camera mounting might be able to go on the inside track if it is deep enough. The trick is to make sure the camera is either recessed enough or set back far enough so dock bumper pads don't damage your unit.
Installation in your headliner should be pretty easy. Power is likely already available in your headliner.

21 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter

Ok I will double check my box across the rear, there maybe enough room just under the center marker that is a bit recessed for the camera. Now I have a side camera also that I could mount on the mirror bracket itself. but should it be on top of the bracket or hanging on the buttom?. And I do have access to power in my headliner
so the monitor should be fine there.

Any more suggestions?

Many Thanks

(Still slightly a Newbie)


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Depending on your mirror style, I would think the top. My thoughts on this is that it would give you a bigger span on your camera. The downside is that it might be alittle harder to clean the lens. Wire entry into the cab will have less resistance from the top, verses the bottom. If you have the large tube mirrors, you might be able to run the wire through the tube. Same place they run the CB and heat wire if it is ran through the mirror.
The other possible place would be on your top step behind the front fender. I think Broompilot has his mounted on the fenders on a T300.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Fender is my prefrence, rear dead center at top not above the the height clearence of your box, run all wires inside.

If you have not installed it yet, let me make one suggestion I wish I could change. Do not buy the VCR but get the DVD instead, what ever the price it will be worth the investment.

Good luck, good investment.