Run number on Daily Log


Expert Expediter
We have heard that we need to put run numbers on the daily logs when we are on a run. We use the DDL software on the computer. We don't see a place to list run numbers although it can be put at the bottom of the log under remarks. For those of you already doing this do you indicate you are not on a run when you are sitting over a weekend or driving without being on a run? Do you put both numbers on a daily log if you happen to have two short runs that span the DDL period?

India Hamner
FedEx CC
D Unit
The reason so many people know the solution is that they created the problem!


Veteran Expediter
India: it's probably a good idea to list your run numbers on the remarks line, including both if you cover two runs in one day, and if there are no run numbers listed, then you'll know that any drive time that day was not on a load. It's just a few keystrokes, why not?


Veteran Expediter
There is a place on DDL for a manifest number. Move your cursor to the right of remark, under the grid. When it becomes highlighted click it and "open " a manifest. Or go to EDIT, New data record and then manifest.


Veteran Expediter
I could be wrong but I think your run number or BOL number, is required by law. When not on a "run" just put the word Empty for any days you are unloaded the whole time. If you are new to DDL just play with it awhile and you will see how to open and close a manifest.


Expert Expediter
Now that you know where to put your run number or pro number, this is how I handle it: In the 24 hours of each grid I always insert the run or pro number in that spot below the grid; If there is no pro number for that day I always type in the word NONE. That way I know I haven't missed a pro number.


Veteran Expediter
"Empty" does about the same thing but I think DOT likes empty better.
At least thats what PII said. And you know the company could never be wrong.:p


Expert Expediter
Jim and Karen, thanks so much! It works great in our DDL program...just as you described.

India Hamner
FedEx CC
D Unit
The reason so many people know the solution is that they created the problem!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I put MT and have had my logbook looked at twice without any comment being made.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
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Seasoned Expediter
Click on new data, and then click on trip record or manifest record and put in the number. When done, click on new data again, and click on the close trip button. You will see the number in the proper place on the bottom of the log. Do you have the print module for FECC? With it you can print logs that are scanable by trip pack.


Expert Expediter
Yes, we print our logs and include them in Trip Pak for the auditors to scan. Thanks so much for the help. Anyone not using this DDL program should look consider it. It is amazing.

India Hamner
FedEx CC
D Unit
The reason so many people know the solution is that they created the problem!


Not a Member
Hello been using the DDL since I started driving.

Click on new data in your upper colum

pick manafest and click on it now fill in your information

have a safe one.

DDL keeps ya outa trouble and takes all the hair pulling guess work
out it.



Expert Expediter
> "Empty" does about the same thing but I think DOT likes
>empty better.
>At least thats what PII said. And you know the company could
>never be wrong.:p

When I was in orientation at Panther, Dave said, writwe NONE in there
if you are not on a pro. Never been questioned by DOT after they see DDL on my laptop......


Veteran Expediter
as in your paper logs,the bol number or run number is to be put in the remarks area,this is a dot thing
when not under load,dot wants you to use dh or dead head