Rules for Dispatchers


Seasoned Expediter
I have no problem with our dispatchers. There have been instances when I wish they had been more prompt or given better directions but nobody is perfect all the time. The Contract Coordinators... thats another story. I have had three different ones in nine months and now have the first one that actually helps and is not just a company mouthpiece. I have found that the ones that have been doing it for a long time (the first two I had) have become complacent and are not willing to do anything other than quote company policy. Thats been my experience anyway.


Expert Expediter
>Usually dont post messages but I recognize whitewolf 53 and
>simply feel compeled to reassure everyone that there are not
>company owners that teach how to hide drugs as part of
> Mike (whitewolf)is talking about me. My name is Jerry
>Stewart and I own TranStewart Trucking. I do understand why
>Mike was reluctant to identify me in his origional message.
>He is not telling the truth and does not want to be called
> I am also a deputy sheriff in my county. I was during
>this orientation describing a training exercise that I
>designed for my dept. This came about because another driver
>in the same orientation jokingly asked if I intended to
>search everyones truck. Anyway the result of the story was
>to demonstrate the effiency of the k9 units and how it is
>nearly impossible to render contraband as undetectable.
> Also, Mike has accused me of screaming at him for being
>early for a delivery. Simply not true. The conversation was
>a calm explanation of company policy with regard to early
>deliveries which he violated. Since he did not comply with
>the policy as it was origionaly explained to him, I assumed
>hi did not understand hence my call. He got beligerant with
>me and somhow became offended and hung up on me.
> Later that day, he imformed the owner of the truck that
>I screamed at him and called him a g.d. liar. When his co
>driver would n0t back up his story the owner fired him
> Sorry my response had to be negative.
> Be Careful,
> Jerry


Expert Expediter
>>Usually dont post messages but I recognize whitewolf 53 and
>>simply feel compeled to reassure everyone that there are not
>>company owners that teach how to hide drugs as part of
>> Mike (whitewolf)is talking about me. My name is Jerry
>>Stewart and I own TranStewart Trucking. I do understand why
>>Mike was reluctant to identify me in his origional message.
>>He is not telling the truth and does not want to be called
>> I am also a deputy sheriff in my county. I was during
>>this orientation describing a training exercise that I
>>designed for my dept. This came about because another driver
>>in the same orientation jokingly asked if I intended to
>>search everyones truck. Anyway the result of the story was
>>to demonstrate the effiency of the k9 units and how it is
>>nearly impossible to render contraband as undetectable.
>> Also, Mike has accused me of screaming at him for being
>>early for a delivery. Simply not true. The conversation was
>>a calm explanation of company policy with regard to early
>>deliveries which he violated. Since he did not comply with
>>the policy as it was origionaly explained to him, I assumed
>>hi did not understand hence my call. He got beligerant with
>>me and somhow became offended and hung up on me.
>> Later that day, he imformed the owner of the truck that
>>I screamed at him and called him a g.d. liar. When his co
>>driver would n0t back up his story the owner fired him
>> Sorry my response had to be negative.
>> Be Careful,
>> Jerry


Expert Expediter
>>>Usually dont post messages but I recognize whitewolf 53 and
>>>simply feel compeled to reassure everyone that there are not
>>>company owners that teach how to hide drugs as part of
>>> Mike (whitewolf)is talking about me. My name is Jerry
>>>Stewart and I own TranStewart Trucking. I do understand why
>>>Mike was reluctant to identify me in his origional message.
>>>He is not telling the truth and does not want to be called
>>> I am also a deputy sheriff in my county. I was during
>>>this orientation describing a training exercise that I
>>>designed for my dept. This came about because another driver
>>>in the same orientation jokingly asked if I intended to
>>>search everyones truck. Anyway the result of the story was
>>>to demonstrate the effiency of the k9 units and how it is
>>>nearly impossible to render contraband as undetectable.
>>> Also, Mike has accused me of screaming at him for being
>>>early for a delivery. Simply not true. The conversation was
>>>a calm explanation of company policy with regard to early
>>>deliveries which he violated. Since he did not comply with
>>>the policy as it was origionaly explained to him, I assumed
>>>hi did not understand hence my call. He got beligerant with
>>>me and somhow became offended and hung up on me.
>>> Later that day, he imformed the owner of the truck that
>>>I screamed at him and called him a g.d. liar. When his co
>>>driver would n0t back up his story the owner fired him
>>> Sorry my response had to be negative.
>>> Be Careful,
>>> Jerry


Expert Expediter
>Usually dont post messages but I recognize whitewolf 53 and
>simply feel compeled to reassure everyone that there are not
>company owners that teach how to hide drugs as part of
> Mike (whitewolf)is talking about me. My name is Jerry
>Stewart and I own TranStewart Trucking. I do understand why
>Mike was reluctant to identify me in his origional message.
>He is not telling the truth and does not want to be called
> I am also a deputy sheriff in my county. I was during
>this orientation describing a training exercise that I
>designed for my dept. This came about because another driver
>in the same orientation jokingly asked if I intended to
>search everyones truck. Anyway the result of the story was
>to demonstrate the effiency of the k9 units and how it is
>nearly impossible to render contraband as undetectable.
> Also, Mike has accused me of screaming at him for being
>early for a delivery. Simply not true. The conversation was
>a calm explanation of company policy with regard to early
>deliveries which he violated. Since he did not comply with
>the policy as it was origionaly explained to him, I assumed
>hi did not understand hence my call. He got beligerant with
>me and somhow became offended and hung up on me.
> Later that day, he imformed the owner of the truck that
>I screamed at him and called him a g.d. liar. When his co
>driver would n0t back up his story the owner fired him
> Sorry my response had to be negative.
> Be Careful,
> Jerry


Expert Expediter
Allright Jerry: I tried to ignore your lies on your return post on my post on this.But now it has gone to far.First of all.I was not driving the truck on the delivery.So i don't know why you called me on my cell phone 7 hours later after the delivery to scream at me like a drunken sailor,and using up my minutes.When i wasn't even driving the truck.And for your info your dispatch told us that thst load could be delivered at any time as long as it was there before the designated time.That was the first time you called me a liar.AND I QUOTE MY DISPATCHERS WOULD NEVER TELL YOU THAT.Well i got news for you pal they told me that 3 times,and which you called me liar 3 times.I told you to find the dispatcher who told me that.But i guess you were to busy to find out.BUT THEN WE ALL KNOW THAT DISPATCHERS DON'T LIE.Now on the hiding the drugs thing,Did you not tell us that to fool the dogs,and you were going to do this to a friend of yours to see if it worked.Was to get a piece of plastic tubing where you could screw on the ends of it,then place the drugs in the tube ,screw on both caps,then attach a chain to one end of the cap on the underside of the fuel cap.Then drop the tube into the fuel tank.THE DOGS CANNOT SMELL THRU DIESEL FUEL.So there you have it ,members of this site,how to avoid the dogs if smuggling drugs.And right from thehorses mouth.Who is a coungy sheriff.NOW CALL ME A LIAR AGAIN,FOR SOMETHING YOU TAUGHT US IN ORIENTATION
Whitewolf 53
:p :p:p :p :p :p :p :p
:9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9


Expert Expediter
Greeg334 wrote,

"I know that a few dispatchers and other company employees peruse this site and a few pick up on some of the things we say but after meeting a fellow EO member yesterday and discussing a really touchy subject for some of us (last item in the list), I decided to post what I think are some rules all dispatchers, department managers and contract coordinators should live by.
These are not in the order I would like them or refined as I would like – there is overlap in many of the rules with others rules in the list. I will work on the some other time but the inspiration should be clear to all."


#8. Remember that the driver is not a child, do not treat him or her as a child and do not try to be a parent, this insults them. Remember that telling the driver how to drive, how to deliver or pick up a load is not your job, as much as the driver telling you how to dispatch is not theirs.

I see a contradiction. Greg you are telling dispatchers how to dispatch. Very ineffective. If you want them to respect you based on your wish list then it should have been written from the point of what you would like not what they should do. Critiques like that are a waste.
We all know there are bad dispatchers. just like there are bad drivers. They all eventually get weeded out of the mix and life goes on, with more ineffective drivers and dispatchers getting hire and released. It's a cycle as life is.
No company worth working for and any company intent on providing good service will allow people as you drscribe work for them.
Screaming drivers go unheard, its a fact. To suggest any dispatch remain on the line while someone is yelling and berating them is rediculous. I suggest a dispatcher, or anyone, to remind the scrfeamimg idiot to speak in a non offensive voice or the phone call will be terminated. All calls are recorded at the company I drive for and any complaint can be verified.

You may have a good list but it should be what you would like not what they should do.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Actually, it's kind of amazing to me what some people hear (or think they hear) during an orientation. Some, from the first phone call after an orientation, I feel I must have spoke Arabic to them during the orientation. Many are like gooses, and wake up in a different world each day. Are you one of em?


Expert Expediter
Lets take a short look at rule #2. I especially like the word assume. My opinion of the word assume is that when it is broken down it makes an ##### out of U and ME! Ha Ha
Pappy:p :p :p


Veteran Expediter
It sounds like you are a dispatcher.

Well tell you the truth, the idea was not really to have the hundreds of dispatchers to come to EO (or my site) to read what I think or demand what they have to do but to get a few to think about their practices and by thinking about things, improve their performance. Oh yea and I wrote it to vent.

As a matter of fact, I don’t think that it was all as ineffective at all, as you may think, I have a few dialogs on going with company managers and a VP on what I think and how to improve things within the dispatching staff and may lead back to consulting for me (who knows?). Two companies have asked permission to use the list, which all this makes me think that I have come up with something that they can use which will lead to being better for all of us.

By the way, this really wasn’t a target of smaller companies but truthfully they can use it more effectively than larger ones.

As for what others have thought of this from the position as a driver and this is from a driver’s point of view only, it is not. Been there, done that from driver to manager in a rather large transportation department and in a company where you didn’t mess around. I didn’t spend a lot of time as a manager but on my way up, I took part in training and hiring/firing.

I find that companies are improving on their customer service performance but it seems to me that many dispatchers are underpaid and in some cases dumbfounded about how to handle many different situations, as are many managers. Maybe I am thinking from a true customer service point of view, but as I said the list is not the way I like it with some redundancy, it is getting revised some time in the future to eliminate the redundancy and make it more concise.