rough starting out


Expert Expediter
newbi here,had a load on thrs 96 boxes,15lbs ea inside p/ 20 miles up the road,and they canceled the back home phone ringing,qualum doesn't work at the house.another load offer,p/u fri in balt md,del to pa just outside to cust,everyone on strike,no one will unload.take back to balt on sat morn.i sat all week waiting for my comdata card from fed ex.(we sent it out on mon)8-28-06 still no sign of it as of 9-2-06.i'm driving a frt liner 10 spd auto shift.i think the truck is a little big,i know its slow starting out you have to use the clutch just to start out.i know im new but is there any o/os out there that are looking for a driver,and have a truck that i don't have to use a clutch?i don't mind the bigness of the trk,just don't like the clutch thing.i do not have a contract with o/o.he just said give him 2 weeks notice if i leave.put $295.00 in fuel tank,and i haven't done much yet.losing $ by the day i think.this is a (d) unit truck.a tractor that has been stretched and a 22' box on it,and a third axel for wieght.looking to drive something smaller if poss.i even take a van at this point.i live in the wash,dc metro area,45 miles from balt md.the owner is a nice guy and all,but there is alot wrong with this truck.can someone help me.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm not an O/O... just a driver, but I can tell you that you will have a hard time finding an O/O with an automatic.. I know their are some out there.... but 99% of the trucks on the road are standards....

Most trucks are syncronized shifting.... You will always need to clutch out of first gear...but once your moving... the stick will slide into the next gear rather easily.... It's about gaining experience in these trucks and learning to listen to your truck... she will tell you when it's time to shift...

I hope you have better luck finding the right truck for you.....


Expert Expediter
thanks,i can drive a 8 spd split shift.but most of the ads i read for help,say the truck is a auto shift or my truck i use the clutch just to start out.there is no shifting on my part.R/N/D/HOLD/L that is the gear selecter.just thought i might find a truck i can just put in drive and go.thanks for the in put tho.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Based on your post I would worry about the company or load selection ahead of the truck.
A brand new truck with a full automatic doesn't mean much if you are going broke as you indicated.
Good luck...but be careful, you "don't put the cart before the horse"

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
thanks,davekc.just starting out.owner put fuel in truck for me 8-26-06.drove in home from delaware to maryland near wash,dc.had to take truck to balt on mon for inspection.drove it home beacuse my comdata card did not work.o/o said they will mail me one,and best bet is for me to stay home until i get it.i could have taken some runs but would not of had any money to spend on comdata card came late sat 9-2-06.i did take a run on fri,and used the o/o fuel card to get fuel $295.00 worth.didn't make much on the dry run i took on fri,only went 20 miles before it was called off.i can drive and i can run,but need a lesser truck to do so.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Hey Beach: I'd say that, after reading this, and other posts of yours, i'd just call you're owner up and tell him/her, I am not responsible financially (I cannot buy even a couple loads worth of fuel). I am not as good a driver as I portrayed to you (I cannot shift a transmission, or, drive something longer than my golf cart), and take the truck back before you hurt somebody either way you see it, physically/financially. Sorry, but I can't believe you are pikk'inn crap with hav'in to push a clutch once in a while. Do you need your breakfast in bed??? Or, what else do you want someone to do for you?? Adoption wit a gauranteed allowance???


Veteran Expediter

Since when is a driver suppose to be resonsible for fuel.Even on a 60/40 split most owner advance drivers some money.We aren't doing this to go broke, most of us got into this business to make money and better ourselves.Some people seem to be under the impression that we should be happy just spending money and moving the companies freight.Not me.I feel that this business went to heck when the carriers switched from making money by loading the trucks to making money covering their customers loads.Maybe a revoltion is in order.NO MORE CHEAP FREIGHT!! NO MORE FORCED DISPATCH!! NO MORE FAVORS!!


Veteran Expediter

Sometimes it is a b*tch starting out and you got to just live with it. I would suggest you try this for a while - as long as you are paying the bills and makes some money and see where it leads. As I learned a long time ago, sometimes the situations that you don't like lead to bigger and better things. The most important thing I could say is get the experince driving the truck as is then plan a move if you still feel it is needed. The lack of experence is a problem for a lot of fleet owners.

As for an Autoshift, I would say this is the way to go if you are putting the fuel in the truck.


Expert Expediter
hey x06col,sorry just venting.i know how to drive a trk.this one is just a little bit bigger than i'm use to.i'm use to driving a 8 spd split shift.the other trk i was driving was a little smaller thats all.been driving for many yrs now.yes ,i got into this to make money.o/o,recruters,and the carrier all told me,yes there is alot of money in this.i had 2 job offers after taking this job,all close to home.1 job was picking up medical waste from hospitals.salary starting out $41,000 a you were call a regional manger,that ment you had to cover other drivers rts,when they were on vac,or got fired.the company flew you ,if it was far away,drive,only if under 250 miles.salary,doesn't sit to well with me,but if this doesn't work out i'll be taking that job.if you saw the trk i'm driving now you would understand why i don't like it much.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member

Just curious, what kind of truck ARE you driving now? The reason I'm asking, is most drivers, (myself included) always wanted bigger and better, ie, more comfortable trucks.

You're saying it's an autoshift, therefore I'm thinking it's no FL70 or similar, would have to be Century or something similar?

These are normally nice, comfortable, easy to drive trucks. Length of truck should not really make any difference, as most D Units are all around 40 ft.

Are you wanting a smaller cab truck like an FL70, or a smaller LENGTH truck, like going down to a C Unit?

Just confused what you meant here.

You did say you had driven an 8 speed split. What was that on?

No offense intended, but you don't seem too convinced this is for you. I would think before starting out you would have convinced yourself.

That being said, I'm sure most people on here had the 'jitters' starting out, and thought What have I gotten myself into?' You have to push thru the 'jitters' with determination.

This is not a business you can 'try out' for a few days, and see if you like it. It takes a certain type of person, with a certain type of mentality. If you convinced yourself to start the job, convince yourself to stick it out for 3 months or so, til you learn the company.

Starting out, you do need a little cash reserve. I would suggest any new driver have a few hundred in reserve for fuel, living expenses, etc, til the money comes in, or issues such as your delayed ComCard.

Even tho FedEX DOES give advance on the load, as many do, you may need to fill the truck to get TO that first load. Some owners may give you a full tank, some won't.

Remember, filling up AFTER loading takes away run time, and you're starting out behind. That's where money in reserve to fill the truck that first time comes in. If you get an advance on the load then, fine! Fill up AFTER YOU DELIVER so you're ready for the next run.

As someone else says on here... just my 2

Good luck, and [img src=""]

Forums Administrator



You don't stop laughing because you grow old,

You grow old because you stop laughing.


highway star

Veteran Expediter
Pushing in the clutch to start is just too much to have to do?

WOW... (I wish I had the Smiley Face that laughs and pounds his fist on the table to put here.)