The above, roughly translated (IMO):
"O-MI-GAWD ...... he is not a neocon .... and is against unqualified, unlimited, carte blanche support of Israel ....... Nooooooo ! ........"
You statement above is either based innocent ignorance, or a knowing and willful perversion of the facts: Dr. Paul has a quite meaningful foreign policy - one that largely mirrors that of the Founding Fathers of this country.
Educate yourself ... or get honest .... whichever is appropriate.
Yup - he's shown repeatedly that he is unwilling to compromise his principals.
Well, I guess we now fully understand your views of the Founding Fathers take on an appropriate foreign policy for this nation.
Couple of questions:
Are you a US citizen ?
Do you also hold dual citizenship with Israel ?
If the latter above is true, to which country do you actually owe your allegiance ...... if their interests are diametrically opposed, or in certain cases, mutually exclusive ?
True enough ..... allow me to qualify it further:
What this country needs for a president, is a person who can engage the international community .... not as some bully or petty tyrant, but through true leadership - as an equal, among nations.
Someone who isn't - out of fear - prone to "engage" his equals through domination, the use of force, intimidation, and rampant militarism - but through reasoned dialogue, mutual respect, and common interests.
As to the "afraid" aspect, I'll expand on that further, in very short order ....