How much would it cost us in financial aid?
Is Cuba next? Why not our allies do.
Unfortunately..that is what it would come down to...the BUCKS.....We started a trend to BUY our friends and how has that worked out?...
How much would it cost us in financial aid?
Is Cuba next? Why not our allies do.
If Ron Paul had anything to do with it, zero .....How much would it cost us in financial aid?
The powers that be ... need demons to slay .....Is Cuba next? Why not our allies do.
The hope that an olive branch offering would yield positive results is based on the assumption that the Iranian theocracy wants to be friends with us - they don't! If the Obama administration wanted to gain favor with the Iranian people they should have supported their Green movement in 2009. Instead the US sat silent while the mullahs shot protesting civilians in the streets.I am thinking...would it hurt any? least an olive branch and see what the reaction of the people would be?....
Who could blame them really - when you consider the type of so-called "friendship" our nation is guilty of practicing ?":The hope that an olive branch offering would yield positive results is based on the assumption that the Iranian theocracy wants to be friends with us - they don't!
Here we go againIf the Obama administration wanted to gain favor with the Iranian people they should have supported their Green movement in 2009. Instead the US sat silent while the mullahs shot protesting civilians in the streets.
Well Bucko ..... let me explain to you, the grim reality for you, and others of similar ilk, who seem utterly naive to the dangerous political realities of the moment:It's this kind of dangerously naive and unrealistic foreign policy position that keeps Ron Paul from being a serious contender for POTUS.
Wait a minute. Are you saying that we spend all that money on bombs to blow things up, and then spend all that money to rebuild them, and that, instead, we could just not spend any of that money in the first place? That doesn't sound right.Instead we pay to bomb places back to the stone age ....
..... and then pay to rebuild 'em ....
Hard to argue with the pure genius of such a premise .....
Herein lies the problem: we, as a species, have advanced to a point where we've achieved the technological ability to wipe us all off the map and render the planet uninhabitable.Well there seems to be a lot of Kitty footin around and job security for diplomats in all this....we could either fess up and be honest with each other for once...or keep this up for yet another 1,000 years and keep diplomats employed...OR just wipe the country off the map so there is no future generations to come after us......
I know, I know ..... it does fly directly in the face of conventional American whizzdom ..... but if it did turn out to be true, maybe we could do something else with that money .....Wait a minute. Are you saying that we spend all that money on bombs to blow things up, and then spend all that money to rebuild them, and that, instead, we could just not spend any of that money in the first place? That doesn't sound right.
Pay down our...?!?! Oh, good grief. Now yer just talkin' crazy. pffft!I know, I know ..... it does fly directly in the face of conventional American whizzdom ..... but if it did turn out to be true, maybe we could do something else with that money .....
I dunno ...... perhaps pay down our debt ?
Please allow me to recalibrate the above slightly with the following:Well Bucko ..... let me explain to you, the grim reality for you, and others of similar ilk, who seem utterly naive to the dangerous political realities of the moment:
If the polls are to be believed (something I'm somewhat skeptical of, in terms of understatement), Ron Paul has somewhere around 10% to 15% support.
And that's nearly a year before the General Election - imagine what the number might be as the public gets to know him and the message of Freedom and Liberty better, things go further in the toilet here at home and abroad (which is almost a virtual certainty) ..... and the rest of the unsupervised candidate children continue shooting themselves in the foot."Wouldn't you rather I write about Ron Paul than about Herman Cain, who will soon flame out, or Rick Perry, who has already flamed out? The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll suggests Ron Paul would win 18 percent as a third-party candidate running against Obama and Romney!"
Perhaps ....Ron Paul as a third party candidate would only help Obama keep his job.
The War Of 1812 comes to mind. That was a war against Britain, with Canada being an ally. Now when we war with Canada it is usually on a sheet of ice.How many times have we gone to war with Canada, for example?
The War Of 1812 comes to mind. That was a war against Britain, with Canada being an ally. Now when we war with Canada it is usually on a sheet of ice.
Let us befriend Iran and then kick their butt on a sheet of ice. Curling anyone? Brooms, Brooms, rocks and jocks, Ahmadinejad sucks... Camels, camels, hooves and humps, we all think Iran's a dump. Hockey, hockey, sticks and pucks...