Ron Paul: ‘What we need is more WikiLeaks’


Veteran Expediter
No one that I know of. I cannot give you the name of anyone from any party right now that I would WANT to vote for. Nothing new. I have NEVER voted for ANYONE that I WANTED in that office. I have ALWAYS voted AGAINST someone.

If you had to choose between Palin or Paul, who would you vote for in the primaries?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you had to choose between Palin or Paul, who would you vote for in the primaries?

Neither, Michigan's ReBumLiCan primary is a joke. Dumb-O-Crats can vote in it but NOT the other way around. Waste of time. I also don't care to see either run.


Veteran Expediter
I hope I am following "Net Etiquette" and not hijacking a thread.
No worries - hijack away !

Fact is, I really don't see it as a hijack, as to a degree, it is relevant to the new situation we find ourselves in (post-Wikileaks), as well as the old situation we have always been in ..... that many apparently fail to recognize ..... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
No worries - hijack away !

Fact is, I really don't see it as a hijack, as to a degree, it is relevant to the new situation we find ourselves in (post-Wikileaks), as well as the old situation we have always been in ..... that many apparently fail to recognize ..... :rolleyes:

I concur my friend.


Veteran Expediter
So you are essentially saying the press has made Palin look bad? She hasn't brought any of this upon herself? C'mon man.

What I mean is that there are two parts to Palin as there are two parts of hillary - pre-election and election/post election.

Her obscurity was great as a candidate, she did bring in votes but it was the press attacking her and hillary in the same manner.

BUT her election/post election coverage went off the deep end. I don't mean the "I can see Russia from my front porch" which is realistic for some up there but rather the "star" status that she obtained and then ran with - that is her fault and that is where her message change by her own hands.

The same thing can be applied to hillary, her 'first lady' career and senatorial debacle are different from the election, where she was 'kept down'. IF she was running instead of Obama, I would have voted for her because of my disdain for McCain.

My question was, why do we not here Ron Paul's name more when talking about nominee's for 2012 and the only names I keep hearing are Palin, Gingrich, etc, etc. I do not hear Paul's name at all.

That's part of the problem with the republicans/tea party - they are clinging onto the names that are out there like they are saints. Gingrich is not of presidential quality, he lacks more than just what is needed and others too, all old guard who are part of the problem and keep talking about Reagan as if he was the standard to use when it comes to conservative values (**which I question more and more **). UNTIL they start seeking out people like Marco Rubio or Gindall (sp?) and embrace their philosophy, the hopes of a 2012 election win is dim at this point.

When reading what you wrote about Palin, we shouldn't be hearing her name at all.

True, and we shouldn't but we do because of her publicist. SHE has a "hit" show, she does her talk show circuit and makes lots of money but it is not what I would call something important at this point to justify her run for the WH. I really feel her position is more important in the party not to change it to the point of what she wants it to be but to open the door up for others.


Veteran Expediter
What I mean is that there are two parts to Palin as there are two parts of hillary - pre-election and election/post election.

I would agree to a certain point. I think we have had time to get to know Palin as a person, candidate, pundit, reality show, Fox News contributor and her true colors are showing. Candidate or non-candidate, she in my opinion is selfish and only out for herself.

it was the press attacking her and hillary in the same manner.

I don't know if I would call it attacking.

IF she was running instead of Obama, I would have voted for her because of my disdain for McCain.

Should I conclude that you voted for Obama then?

That's part of the problem with the republicans/tea party - they are clinging onto the names that are out there like they are saints.

Totally agree. The Tea Party has been good for one thing; getting people interested in politics again. They are being used by many and do not have a clue and now are only making things worse because now the Republicans have no shot at nominating someone who can beat Obama.

keep talking about Reagan as if he was the standard to use when it comes to conservative values (**which I question more and more **).

You are just now questioning that now???

True, and we shouldn't but we do because of her publicist. SHE has a "hit" show, she does her talk show circuit and makes lots of money but it is not what I would call something important at this point to justify her run for the WH. I really feel her position is more important in the party not to change it to the point of what she wants it to be but to open the door up for others.

I understand we would be talking about Palin because of everything you listed above, but should that talk be about running for President? My Lord.

Another Republican nominee I almost forgot about.......Donald Trump? The Donald? Seriously? How do the Republicans think the American public can take them seriously when the talk is about these clowns?


Veteran Expediter
I would agree to a certain point. I think we have had time to get to know Palin as a person, candidate, pundit, reality show, Fox News contributor and her true colors are showing. Candidate or non-candidate, she in my opinion is selfish and only out for herself.

BUT if you have said that and don't think that of any other politician, you have a serous problem with reality. Every politician from the local level to the top seat in the country has someone who is selfish and out for themselves - no exception.

I don't know if I would call it attacking.

It was an attack, read some of the news bits from those who are 'fighting the injustice against women' journalist. The really odd thing was during the campaign, the fair treatment of both Hillary and Palin, among other women came from of all places Fox News. AND the other really odd thing, well I find odd was the one group who pointed the attack out and the fairness of Fox News was NPR.

Should I conclude that you voted for Obama then?

Sorry I could not bring myself to vote for a Marxist.

Totally agree. The Tea Party has been good for one thing; getting people interested in politics again. They are being used by many and do not have a clue and now are only making things worse because now the Republicans have no shot at nominating someone who can beat Obama.

Well first it is good to see an upswing of interest in a boring topic, but then many in the tea party don't get the part that they are not really speaking of 'conservative values' but rather a serious mix of libertarian values. That's the funny thing. On the other hand the sad thing is you are right about being used, already there is a form of compromise coming out of the republics in congress and even though there is a new congress that has a republican controlled house, the writing is on the wall that they already are failing to live up to the minimal expectations.

As for running against Obama, well I wouldn't use his name just yet, he has a long long way to go and it may be another 1980 in 2012. His numbers are actually like skewed to make it look good but with an increase in the unemployment numbers, the dropping off of something like 4% of the unemployed and let's not forget those who are not even counted which brnigs our real unemployed number up to like 15%, he may have a hard time justifying his reelection - oh let's not forget the feds now being involved with bake sales.

You are just now questioning that now???

No, I have been for a long long time. I wasn't a fan of Reagan, I don't view him as the pillar of conservative thought, he was a liberal who took the opportunity to change things, just like JFK spoke about in '62. Pretty much many have stepped away from things and have been too overly nostalgic about the 80's.

I understand we would be talking about Palin because of everything you listed above, but should that talk be about running for President? My Lord.

Not really, it may be a thing that she is the only thing to talk about.

Another Republican nominee I almost forgot about.......Donald Trump? The Donald? Seriously? How do the Republicans think the American public can take them seriously when the talk is about these clowns?

Now see if the republicans take any consideration of this guy, then I feel the entire party is lost and they should just give up and go find a mcdonalds to work at. Trump has more issues with his past and his business practices that if Assange would have done some good by seeking out info about Trump and posting, it would make a lot of 'crimes' that Rlent is giddy about look just plain silly.


Veteran Expediter
BUT if you have said that and don't think that of any other politician, you have a serous problem with reality. Every politician from the local level to the top seat in the country has someone who is selfish and out for themselves - no exception.

Greg c'mon, every single solitary politician is selfish? I wouldn't go that far, more like 90% :). What cracks me up is when people call the President narcissistic and put a bad connotation to it. Anyone that has the balls to run for President would have to be narcissistic, what President that you can recall wasn't narcissistic? The word only means something bad when "your guy" isn't holding the office. Believe me, my eyes are wide open.

What I mean about Palin is that she know's she is not running for President but she will cling on to what she has and milk it for everything its worth up until election day. She has nothing else, she quit as governor, she lost the Vice Presidency, and she has no credibility. She's good at telling people what they want to hear and then capatilizing on it by selling books, going on Fox, speaking at Tea Party rallies and other events that pay her handsomely, doing a reality show, the list goes on. I see the difference in her and other politicians as they(politicians) will do the same thing I said above, but at least they are trying to serve our country. Palin on the other hand is pretending to be a politician without any thought of holding a seat anywhere in Government.

That is why I have such disdain for Fox, Beck, O'reilly, Hannity and the people that blindly cheerlead for her. They are all woven from the same cloth and they are all in it for the same reason; to make a buck off of the schmucks that believe every word they say. She knows if she is succsessful in the private sector she can make much, much, more money and be more popular than she could as a politician. Not to mention, it's a hell of lot easier. To me she is taking easy way out, which goes against everything she preaches.

It was an attack, read some of the news bits from those who are 'fighting the injustice against women' journalist. The really odd thing was during the campaign, the fair treatment of both Hillary and Palin, among other women came from of all places Fox News. AND the other really odd thing, well I find odd was the one group who pointed the attack out and the fairness of Fox News was NPR.

I don't know Greg, for every attack on Palin and or Hillary, you can find an equal amount of scrutiny on anyone else that is bidding for the Presidency. It comes with the territory. One thing I will note though, I do not recall hearing Hillary complaining about it like I did with Palin. Maybe she did but I just dont' remember seeing Hillary out there bringing up like I did with Palin. You or others may have a different perspective than I though.

Sorry I could not bring myself to vote for a Marxist.
Now he's a Marxist? To be fair, I've really not heard you call him anything so that may have been your view of him all along.

Well first it is good to see an upswing of interest in a boring topic,

Politics is boring, so why in the world has it gotten so interesting in the last 2 years? I have my theories, I'd like to hear your's if you don't mind.

but then many in the tea party don't get the part that they are not really speaking of 'conservative values' but rather a serious mix of libertarian values.

To be honest Greg, and I pay attention, I am still not really sure what there message is. And I'm a member of Freedom Works! From my estimation, they want to get rid of Social Security, Unemployment benefits, do away with the Dept. of Education and the FDA all together. Again, that's a whole 'nother story.

As for running against Obama, well I wouldn't use his name just yet, he has a long long way to go and it may be another 1980 in 2012.

Ron Paul?

he may have a hard time justifying his reelection -

Well, if the Republicans do not get their act together you will see Obama or...... if the Democrats decide to put someone else up against Obama in a primaries, you will see another Democrat in the White House in 2012.

No, I have been for a long long time. I wasn't a fan of Reagan, I don't view him as the pillar of conservative thought, he was a liberal who took the opportunity to change things, just like JFK spoke about in '62. Pretty much many have stepped away from things and have been too overly nostalgic about the 80's.

Now see if the republicans take any consideration of this guy, then I feel the entire party is lost and they should just give up and go find a mcdonalds to work at.

My beef is with the individuals that would even remotely think that he is worth being talked about. And people are!! Are you serious?!!! Then you have FoxNews bringing it up and the morning shows having him on as a guest, its appalling to say the least.