Roadway gets 10% Concession


Veteran Expediter
Just saw on the nightly news that the Roadway drivers have agreed to a 10% cut in pay. One driver that was interviewed said that would be about $100 less every week.

This can't help already falling freight rates.


Seasoned Expediter
My brother n law works for Roadway in the yard / docks around western Cincinnati/eastern Indiana ( not a driver) but he did tell my wife 2 weeks ago that he agreed to a pay cut verses taking the chance on getting laid off.


Retired Expediter
My brother n law works for Roadway in the yard / docks around western Cincinnati/eastern Indiana ( not a driver) but he did tell my wife 2 weeks ago that he agreed to a pay cut verses taking the chance on getting laid off.

well a 10% cut off the gross...might mean a lower tax bracket...less deductions...they may only loss 6-8%.....not bad considering the "other" option.....


Veteran Expediter
well a 10% cut off the gross...might mean a lower tax bracket...less deductions...they may only loss 6-8%.....not bad considering the "other" option.....


Pensions were also mentioned by the driver interviewed. The Roadways driver(s) apparently can't afford any interruption in their years of service.

Something we all forget, being independent operators, and all.


Seasoned Expediter
I like the quotes, and
i would certainly take a pay cut instead of a complete job loss


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
10% cut, lost job... 10% cut, lost job... 10% cut, lost job... WE'RE UNION AND WE DON'T TAKE PAY CUTS!!! Guess it's lucky for these guys and their families they didn't follow the union line.


Veteran Expediter
10% cut, lost job... 10% cut, lost job... 10% cut, lost job... WE'RE UNION AND WE DON'T TAKE PAY CUTS!!! Guess it's lucky for these guys and their families they didn't follow the union line.

If I understood the interview, it was the Teamsters who first agreed to this pay cut, then "SUGGESTED" this to the rank-and-file.

I am guessing the any interruption in the hospitalization of the drivers, should their be any layoffs, would be also be inconvenient, as well.


Veteran Expediter
Oh i agree 100%, I was just making the statement, not sticking up for anyone... And they aren't the 1st the yellow/rodway let go or closed their terminals, and they won't be the last. As i sain in the CAW post in the other forum, these ain't your dads unions anymore......


Veteran Expediter
The Teamsters really had no choice but to take a cut in pay. When Yellow and Roadway are completely integrated 200 terminals will have been shuttered, power and trailing equipment will be sold off and thousands of Teamsters out of work.

Historically, at least since deregulation, when a union LTL company asked for a give back a high percentage were out of business within the next 3 years or the next contract. Which ever came first.

Yellow and the Teamsters agreed to a new Master Freight contract in January, 2008. The Teamsters can't afford to drag YRCW, the single largest LTL union employer left standing into the tar pits. But they probably will, with the help of Yellow management. I don't think Yellow will be around to negotiate a new contract in 2013. Unless of course they qualify for government bail out money to prolong the inevitable.


Seasoned Expediter
I worked 21 years at a d.c. in Detroit,(teamsters). In 2006,A&P,(owners) wanted a 15% pay cut. We settled on 10%. In 2007 A&P shut the doors and said goodbye forever to Mi. In hind-sight, if it were up to me, I would have given 25%! I waaas expecting a decent pension for my 21 years once I turned of retirement age. Not too optomistic anymore.